
“Dad, I really want to buy an electric guitar”

(2018-06-04 09:40:47) 下一个

My rising junior (high school) found a summer job on campus and I was lucky enough to carpool with him every day. On the way to work this morning, he said “Dad, I really want to buy an electric guitar”. A little pause later, he added “I want to buy an electric guitar with my own money".  I replied "sure. what is the price range?” He had done his research. He said, before he can buy one, he would need to learn and master a repertoire so that he could try it out in the local store. Later on, he would need to buy an amplifier and other accessories, for which, he said that he does not mind buying used. 

I used this precious opportunity to inject and stress“whatever you want, it is in your reach”.

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