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这是女儿写的Vacation and Hotel Reviews

17 day trip to Europe—day 1/2

Plane flight: five out of five

If not for the length of the trip, I would find it pretty nice. Since the flight was so long, I got both lunch and breakfast. I didn't get dinner, though.  Lunch was Italian lasagna thingy with bread, salad, and a small brownie. Breakfast consisted of two half ham sandwiches, fruit, and some bread. According to an expert (aka my mom), the overall quality of the flight was better than usual because it was an international flight, not domestic. Even though the flight took 10 hours, I lost a whole night because of the time zone switch.

Scenery:  five out of five

The view was very good. Britain is different than the US, and it's very obvious once you look at its streets and buildings. In Britain, the houses are made out of brick. Some of the buildings, however, are made of stone. They have ornate carvings and lots of statues on them. Britain has a lot of greenery compared to the US.

Attractions:  four out of five

Today, I toured around the city of London. I visited many places, including Trafalgar Square and Buckingham Palace. The main attraction was the Tower of London. It's a huge place, but very easy to get lost in. It holds the crown jewels and many other artifacts, such as the coronation spoon. It's amazing how the palace has the crowns from the 1600's and on. Besides crowns, the Tower of London also has many scepters, a few orbs, and swords. In one part of the tower (it's called the Tower of London but it's really a castle), there are six ravens. The people say that if the ravens ever leave, the tower will fall, and the country with it, so the ravens are kept in cages and are fed daily. There are even extra pairs of ravens available if one of them dies suddenly.

Average score: four out of five

This is only the first review. Don't forget to check out the next ones!


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圈外闲人 回复 悄悄话 回复花甲老翁的评论:
花甲老翁 回复 悄悄话 美不胜收的照片,沙发.
圈外闲人 回复 悄悄话 回复angel0716的评论:
angel0716 回复 悄悄话 看了游记才看到是你写的!问好!
圈外闲人 回复 悄悄话 回复jjin09061999的评论:
jjin09061999 回复 悄悄话 好可爱的一对小人!喜欢介绍, 祝玩的愉快!
圈外闲人 回复 悄悄话 回复小棒棒的评论:
很开心,也很累。你那个是深度游 :)
小棒棒 回复 悄悄话 17天游11国,体力太好了!我去年15天才玩了东京和横滨两个城市:-(。