
Amazon专栏作家 http://www.amazon.com/Jennifer-Fu/e/B004Y218FQ
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(2012-07-14 18:36:47) 下一个



路上经过了California Trail,想想昔日到西部探险的人们,可没有象今天坐着大巴士这么舒服。到了旅馆已经十点了,匆忙地吃了自助晚餐,匆忙地写了旅行日记,然后就倒在床上入梦了。


Today was the first day of our Yellowstone vacation. The tour we went on is a bus tour, going all the way from a supermarket near our house until Yellowstone. As expected, the first day of the bus trip was mostly driving. At the moment we are living in a hotel about 15 minutes from the Nevada-Utah border, so we covered quite of miles on the first day. While we didn’t really sightsee anything, we did pass through some important landmarks, including the California-Nevada border, the 40 mile desert, as well as a portion of the California Trail. While staying on a bus for 660 miles might seem to be a type of torture, the ride was not as bad as I had first expected because of interesting anecdotes from our tour guide about previous tours, everyone on the bus introducing ourselves, and watching the movie, Cars.


Go to Joy Holiday Tours! Our tour guides are friendly, social, and best of all, knowledgeable about how to make a boring trip fun. The first day, you will pass through some very historical areas, such as the California trail, and the 40-mile desert. We make bathroom stops every 2-3 hours, so your bladder won’t explode.

What is the best part of day one? A satisfied customer answers, “I think that the best part of the ride is that the tour guide lets everyone talk about themselves. The second best thing is the pump where you move the handle up and down to get water.”

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