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圈外闲人 (热门博主)
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(2012-05-12 16:19:07) 下一个


My Impenetrable Fort (aka the penetrable 4t)

On Saturday I decided to make an impenetrable fort. The impenetrable fort would be, well, impenetrable. I lugged a fold-up couch into my room. When it is unfolded, it is a miniature bed. Then I placed it so that part of it lay under my desk. Since that particular part of my desk has a cube-shaped space, I had a refuge to hide in. The next step was to get a blanket. I raided my family’s store of extra blankets and took a reddish-pink one. With the addition of the blanket, the impenetrable fort could be used as a bed, and I could hide the fort.

Sunday was the day when the technology in the fort advanced by miles. I brainstormed a great idea for concealing the fort. The only telltale signs would be a slight bulge blanket where it shouldn’t be, and whatever was in the room that shouldn’t be there, such as imported materials from a country called “The Family Room”. I used it against some intruders who claimed to be my parents. Also, I made a roof. It doesn’t cover the entire fort, but it’s rainproof, or at least as rainproof as a cut up milk box and a plastic Gymboree® bag can be.

The impenetrable fort is truly impenetrable now. Who knows what improvements I can have in the future?

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圈外闲人 回复 悄悄话 回复piao11的评论:
piao11 回复 悄悄话 你有一双好儿女~每次看你写他们的生活学习中的点点滴滴,我都在心中夸一句,真是省心的孩子~~~~

圈外闲人 回复 悄悄话 回复DUMARTINI的评论:
确实环保 :)
圈外闲人 回复 悄悄话 回复焕华的评论:
DUMARTINI 回复 悄悄话 可爱的女儿~~~


焕华 回复 悄悄话 赞。