
Turkey --Giada De Laurentis

(2011-11-23 03:14:31) 下一个

You can’t have thanksgiving dinner without Turkey. My status is juicy and delicious, because I stuff with ? lemon and orange. Fresh oregana and sage also bake inside for delicious frevior and ?. roast turkey with herbs and citrus is dramatic center a piece of holiday dinner.

I like to prepare my turkey a little differently than traditional way. I am starting at my masters. I am using a lemon and an orange to put inside the main cavity of my turkey. I am cutting a lemon into wedges, and an orange as well.

And the juicy from the orange and lemon, they keep the turkey breast and whole turkey meat flavfor, moister and tender. And they really do, create fantastic and roam . also some onions. Cuting onions as well. just like that. And I got fresh herbs. I am using fresh rosemary, oregano and sage. I use few brigs. We are not gonna chop it, just leave it as whole. Because later on, I am gonna pull it out. before I start to put it inside cavity of my turkey, I need to make a rap.

I've gotten melten butter here. And I am gonna add herbs de Provence. and herbs de Provence is mixture herbs like bascil,marjor, levender,fenoci,rosemary, a lot of them, that is why I like it, it all makes down into one container. I use dry herb for the rape, because turkey is gonna be in the oven for a long time.and fresh will be burn. I use a little bit of that. Of course, a little bit of salt. A fresh ground paper and oil, just mixed around little bit. I am ready to stuff the turkey. Taking all the lemon wages and orange wages directly into the cavity of my turkey. I like to take out of turkey out of refrigater about half hour before gonna bake. That way come through the temperture when I put ?. it doesn’t need to frost or come down the temperture. It is coking immediately I put it in there. Don’t worry about press it all there. It’s fine. And we gonna discard it, we are not gonna eat it. It’s just to give a lot fravor to the turkey. We gonna add fresh herb as well.just like that ? you can do this a part of day ahead of time, and then place it in the refregiate. I just tie the legs together, giving the shape of the turkey. That way take it out. it looks beautiful. Everybody ? here, perfect. Now, all the ripe So the molten butter, the herb around, salt, paper a little bit out the oil, just ganna spoon it. Acturally, we can just pour it. One of the butter herbs do is that give the beautiful brown color around coloring on top. Just ? all the parts of the turkey, massage everything. Just make sure all the oil, salt, paper and herbs into all the ? I am also just put my fingers, just a little bit , and try to rape some of the butter, herbs, oliver oil in between the skin, acturally ? on turkey, right there is enough. All right, I am gonna wash my hand and get the turkey in the oven.


Because the turkey is gonna cook for a while, I am gonna cover the breast and legs with the ? foril , so we don’t brown too quikely and burn, and then move it later on. After 20 minutes, I am gonna add 3 cups of chicken stock to the rosting pan and then scrape up all of a little bit, it may have ? on the bottom. And then I add one fresh herbs, just add a little more fravor to chicken stock, than we gonna cook for another 40 minutes, then I am gonna take the foril off, reduce the heat to 350 and cook the turkey until it is down. Look at my beautiful turkey, I stuff it with orange, lemon, fresh herbs and onione. It is gold brown and perfect.


I am gonna use stage. Now I am gonna show you what I am gonna do for the left over oragen, lemon. Right on the sides, there, just like that.

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