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(2013-12-26 05:36:27) 下一个










毛泽东:二十世纪的上帝之鞭? (修改稿)




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江集傲 回复 悄悄话 According to my understanding of many religions including the monolithic religions, gods created everything including all good and evil. We mortals are just simple creatures of the gods, and act according to the creation; even if we have free will, it seems to be originated from the “apple and serpent” according to some fables. If we are true believers of such fables, we should really be at ease with history and be without hatred pernicious to our own health.

Should we be followers of Jesus, we should know that he asked us to NOT judge our neighbors. Are we assuming the only god to judge or are we so sinful in our mind to hate so much in clear defiance to the warning of Jesus? Let’s us pray for the pardon from the gods, who must be busily and worryingly observing our sinful behavior.

Almost all religions preach the followers to cleanse their own hearts, not the hearts of other people, let alone those of the dead. Judging the dead is supposed to be the job of the gods according to the religious books. So, I would like to urge all of the kind readers of this message to ask themselves the question: are we capable of self-inspecting and of truthfully telling ourselves whose hearts are we examining and cleansing? I will ask myself about this.

Statistics can be bad lies, even if the data is correct; is Christmas an official holiday in most nations? I like to see data. I just to add a bit to the controversy by the following: the Philippines seems to be the only Christian nation in East Asia, and it is one of the worst governed and poorest disregarding its being highly blessed by nature; I suppose some people may like to draw conclusions from this?

I have a dream. I dream that one day, we not only love our family, our neighbors but the wider world; we not only love the virtuous, but the wretched and the very sinful. I dream that we will enjoy criticizing our friends, as we are so strong to take any criticism; and that we will only defeat our enemies and absolutely do not hate them, in fact the enemies could be our best factor to be stronger.

I dream that all will be creators in accordance to their abilities and situation, instead of robotic repeaters of other people's words, be them from reliable or un-reliable sources.

I dream.
东方白 回复 悄悄话 博主是一个反华的乏走狗.
雁客 回复 悄悄话 博主不懂历史
tinkertinker 回复 悄悄话 毛魔之恶甚于希魔斯魔东条魔
seedof 回复 悄悄话 中国的崛起不是靠只会祈祷的人的。
seedof 回复 悄悄话 以耶和华为神的国是有福的。




ingodwetrustforever 回复 悄悄话 it is not proper to compare Abe going to Ghost place with Xi going to Mao's memorial.
zhangyang01 回复 悄悄话 赞同!