1、don"t flip flop (别翻来倒去,朝三暮四)
2、don"t get sidetracked (别走岔路)
3、don"t sway back and forth (别反复)
4、no dithering(不踌躇)
5、no major changes (没有重大变化)
6、avoid futile actions (不做无用工)
7、stop making trouble and wasting time
8、no self-consuming political movements (不搞自我消耗的政治运动)
avoid self-inflicted setbacks (不折腾)
(end quote)
不动摇, No wavering (stay the course)
不懈怠, no slouching (can you imagine someone flares out in his chair, eyes closed, dossing off?)
不折腾, be cool (very common phrase among youngsters, chill it, don't mess up)
There you have it "No wavering, no slouching and be cool"