I went to Gym after my golf practice tonight. There were very few people there. A lady in her fifties shared the same aisle. She had a sweet smile. I saw her couple of times at Gym. Smile and nod were we usually greeting each other.
Out of no where, she starts to talk to me: “let me ask you something. How much arguement is too much?” I didn’t catch it at first and asked her to repeat. I couldn’t imagine she was asking my opinion about that. I said: “couples?” she nodded. I said: it’s difficult to say. Depends on what kind of arguments they are and how that affects your life. She said, “We argue almost every day”. She was apparently quite upset. I tumbled: “maybe you want to slow down the relationship?” She said her nephew spent one day with her and her ‘partner’ and he was not happy to witness the arguments. All I can say at the moment was, he must make you happy some other way. With tears, she hugged me and took off.
Sigh…… what in the world do I know? And since when I became a relationship counselor?
What would you say if she asked you?