第一张是旧片,05年11月去上海,朋友开车陪我去了一次周庄,我们6点钟的时候选好了一座小桥拍夜景,本以为拍到一些典型的亮着红灯笼的 水乡图。可是直到夜幕完全降临,依然没有一个红灯笼亮 起来。一打听,当地人说因为平时游客稀少,只有在周末才会点亮灯笼。 (>_<) Shot at 8pm at a small bridge in Zhou Zhuang, a watertown in Jiangsu province. It is part of Kunshan city, and is at the border of Jiangsu province and Shanghai. I was hoping to get a few good images with red-lanterns light up, When the night completely falls, there was no one red lantern ever lighted up. I desperately asked around, locals said there are too few visitors in the weekdays, the lanterns only light up in the weekends. (>_<)
昨晚去Tokyo Bay看云,看日落。日暮到全黑,在海边3小时,冻得按快门的手指冰凉,不过,值得。
虹桥是横越东京湾北部,连接港区芝浦及台场的吊桥。在某些特殊的节日的夜晚,桥头自上而下亮--赤橙黄绿青蓝紫--彩虹般的色灯而得名。 Rainbow Bridge. A suspension bridge crossing northern Tokyo Bay links the Shibaura Wharf and the Odaiba .it is named because of its changing nighttime lights, red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo, violet , like a rainbow.