九寨沟老虎海. 老虎海海拔2298米,位于树正瀑布之上,深邃恬静,沉默中蕴蓄着暴烈,安谧中隐藏着桀骜。泼云泻雪似的树正瀑布正是它陡然爆发的活力与激情,瀑声沉雄浑厚,宛若虎啸。老虎海深邃宁静,关于它的得名有三种说法:一是它近旁的树正瀑布水声如雷,宛若虎啸;二是每到深秋季节,湖岸山上层林尽染,姹紫嫣红的林木倒映在清澈的湖水中,斑驳陆离,犹如老虎身上斑斓的虎纹;三是山中的老虎最爱来这个海子喝水。
Jiuzhaigou means "valley of nine villages," a place that thrills visitors with mysterious water. The Tiger's Lake is tranquil and peaceful. There are three sayings concerning the source of its name. One is that the sound of Shuzheng Waterfall is as the tigers' roaring; the second is that in late autumn, the reflections of Five-Colored Pond forests shine upon the lake which look like the lines of tigers; the third saying is that the tigers in the mountain are fond of this lake and used to drinking the water of the lake.