

Birthday 爱的随想

(2008-12-15 11:40:30) 下一个

Dear Meili, my lover:


I will use this blog as my special gift for your birthday. It represents my heart, a warm one, a 赤诚的心。I hope it can express some of my love to you, my greeting to your birthday, and my feeling of how much I miss you.   I doubt I will have same such strong feeling and passion anymore.


My feeling on you comes in English sometimes and in Chinese on other times.  You are the only one who makes me so special.  You gave me a new life.


Since we met in Orlando last year, 我感到了从未有过的幸福和性福。 对你的爱, 让我整天幸福。每次与你在一起,我都沉浸在幸福和性福之中。你的美丽,柔情,性感,和智慧都让我如痴如醉。我就想告诉你“我爱你”!


You told me “认识你,是我最美丽的意外”。 我感到,遇见你是我人生最美丽的篇章。I hope this chapter will be endless, and last forever.


你让我疯狂,你的性,你的爱液,与你做爱让我感到了人生最幸福的境界,最美妙的时刻。 Three times a day, 15 times a week, you are always so juicy, erotic, attractive, 柔情似水。We never tired, every time we met during the past one year.  I did not realize I have that capability.  This is far over what I expected.  You make me as a superman.  It is you who make me so powerful and energetic.  You are a magic, 仙女, 天上掉下的林妹妹,who took my heart.

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