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【美坛综艺秀假日篇】2023 Christmas: a trip down memory lane

(2023-12-28 08:19:21) 下一个

Carmel, Hanmilton county of Indiana is a beautiful town located at the north of Indianapolis. Together with Noblesville, Fishers, Westfield and Zionsville, the five towns are connected and become the idyllic place for a lot of people, and the towns have continued booming in recent years. 

i consider the five towns one of the best places to raise children.

There is a traditional cute image of Carmel girls being pampered by loving parents. They wear little tennis skirts to funerals. And they would say" I want to go to Mi--a--mi" during winter time. 

Like other kids in the families here, my child is very much loved. Contrary to the image of Carmel Girl being pampered and flaky, all her childhood friends grew up to be strong and caring ladies. Some are currently in law school and medical school, while others are working for prestigious institutions in media, fashion, technology and DOD. 

I have missed Carmel a lot since moving to south two years ago. This Christmas we decided to go back to visit.

What a happy journey! 

Carmel has become even more beautiful!

The Hairsaloon, the restaurants and the tailor shop are still there, just better! The Chriskindle Market of Carmel has been ranked the #1 in USA Today. 

When we were leaving, the front desk of Carmichael asked " how was your stay?" Both my husband and myself said" beautiful beautiful, thank you!" 

I feel so happy I made the decision to raise my child in carmel. That's one of the best decisions I made in my life. 

Bye now, Carmel, i love you so.

1) i got up early and walked around The Chriskindle Maket of Carmel, and the town center, quietly enjoying and appreciating the beautiful place i feel so familiar with.

the night before, we walked around in the old town, the midtown and the new town center:


2) Memories, carmel in my mind. pictures taken when i was living there: the old town, midtown, new town center; the weekend farmers market; and the snow.

The Old Town:



The newtown center:

The Clay Terrace:

The GOLF COURSE (we have 36 golf course around the towns)

The Churches:

The weekend farmers market:

The snow:

© 2023 [Yi Yang]










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