

星 - 邓丽君

(2009-08-03 20:24:49) 下一个

鄧麗君 - Star - 星* (Japanese and Cantonese)
作曲: 谷村新司
作詞: 鄭國江

閉起雙眼睛 心中感覺清靜
With my eyes closed, I feel the calmness in my heart.
再張開眼睛 怕觀望前程
With my eyes opened, I am afraid to look forward to the journey.
夜冷風更清 這一片荒野地
The cold night wind is getting colder upon this land in the wilderness.
沿途是岐路 我方向未能明
Along the rugged road my direction is not clear.
啊.... 不見朗月
Ah ...can't see the bright Moon.
導我迷途 只有星
Guiding my way are only the stars.
啊.... 荒野路
Ah... road in the wilderness.
伴我獨行 是流螢
Accompanying me alone are the fireflies.
縱步獨行 沿途寂靜 似只有呼吸聲
Walking alone in silence hearing only my breathing,
緩步前往 決意走崎嶇山徑
Stepping forward with determination on this rugged mountain path.

踏過荊棘 苦中找到安靜
Having stepped on thorns, I find calmness amidst bitterness.
踏過荒郊 過黑暗是黎明
Having passed through the solidary wilderness, after darkness it is daybreak.
滿天星光 我不怕風正動
Starlight fills the skies. I am not afraid of the howling winds.
滿心是期望 過黑暗是黎明
My heart is full of anticipation, that after darkness it will be daybreak.
啊.... 星也燦爛
Ah...twinkling star
伴我夜行 給我影
Accompanies my night journey giving me shadow.
啊.... 星光引路
Ah...starlight leads the way.
風之語 輕輕聽
I listen gently to the words of the winds.
帶著熱情 我要找理想 理想是和平
With passion, I have to find the ideal, for it means peace.
尋夢而去 那怕走崎嶇險徑
To chase that dream, fear not the rugged and dangerous path.

啊.... 星也燦爛
Ah...twinkling star
伴我夜行 給我影
Accompanies my night journey giving me shadow.
啊.... 星光引路
Ah...starlight leads the way.
風之語 輕輕聽
I listen gently to the words of the winds.
帶著熱情 我要找理想 理想是和平
With passion, I have to find the ideal, for it means peace.
尋夢而去 那怕走崎嶇險徑
To chase that dream, fear not the rugged and dangerous path.
明日誰步過 這星也帶你
Someday someone may follow this path, and this star will also show the way.



目を閉じて 何も見えず
哀しくて 目を開ければ
荒野に 向かう道より
他(ほか)に 見えるものはなし
嗚呼(ああ) 砕け散る 運命(さだめ)の星たちよ
せめて密(ひそ)やかに この身を照らせよ
我は行く 蒼白き頬のままで
我は行く さらば昴よ

呼吸(いき)をすれば 胸の中
凩(こがらし)は 吠(な)き続ける
されど 我が胸は熱く
夢を 追い続けるなり
嗚呼 さんざめく 名も無き星たちよ
せめて鮮やかに その身を終われよ
我も行く 心の命ずるままに
我も行く さらば昴よ

嗚呼 いつの日か 誰かがこの道を
嗚呼 いつの日か 誰かがこの道を
我は行く 蒼白き頬のままで
我は行く さらば昴よ
我は行く さらば昴よ
[ 打印 ]