

(2008-10-03 09:35:48) 下一个





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manofprinciple 回复 悄悄话 If you really care about the future generations like I do, you really should not vote for a Republican president this time. Republicans have not been fiscially responsible since Reagon era. We are currently borrowing money to finance the war, yet we continue to overspend with no tax increase. Who is going to pay for all that ? your and my future generation.
I am sure that grumpy and old man is more experienced in the same old wagon, but that wagon is still going in the same completely wrong direciton. I gave my first eligible vote to Bush's first term 8 years ago, because his platform appeared to be moderate plus I was sickend by Clinton's scandal. Bush had much better plan for both finanical and campaign reform than McCain then. Unfortunately, Bush had no judgement in using the right people like General Colin Powell. Furthermore, he caved in to Gingrich and the Religious Right. His reforms did not get anywhere. Worst of all, he hijacked the whole country into his religious war, which has been a total disaster.
McCain's pick of VP candidate further demonstrates that he will also cave in to the same Republican Right. He was not better than Bush then, and he will not be better than Bush in the future.
Also remember that it is more critical for the president to have the right team, and also listen to the.. Sure that 08 is not experienced enough, neither was Clinton then. But judging from how he learnt, listened and worked with his previous opponents like Hilary and Biden, he is much more hopeful to be a good president.
