

(2008-11-06 10:37:53) 下一个

I want you in my life
so much more then anyone else
I want us to be together
together forever
I want to be loved
for who I am not for who you want me to be
I want your love
no one else's
I want to feel your touch
soft in gentle like no other
I want to hear your voice
so calming in fear free
I want to hear you say you love me more then anything
I want your lips to kiss me
for the very first time
I want to walk with you
hand in hand
I want your arms around me
so I feel safe in protected
I want you to hold me
just cause you can
I want you to hold me even more
when I cry
I want your arms around my waist
so they know that im yours
I want you to be there
when I need you most
I want to be able to trust you
so you keep my secrets deep inside
I want you to love me
for whats on the inside not the out
I want you to tell the truth
no matter how much it hurts
I want you to say your sorry
when you do somthing wrong
I want to be with you
just you in me
I want your hand to touch my face
to dry up my tears
I want you to hold me
just cause you love me
I want to hang out with you
even on school nights
I dont want this relantionship to end...
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