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德沃夏克,e小调第九交响曲《自新大陆》及诗人Longfellow 对其的影响


伟大的捷克作曲家德沃夏克所留下的九部交响曲,是他一生中最重要的作品,也是十九世纪民族乐派交响曲的代表作,在整个音乐史上也是不容忽视的杰作。由于德沃夏克的交响曲深受古典乐派的影响,所以他的作品结构坚实、牢固。另外,由于他具有天生的旋律才能和丰富、敏锐的旋律感, 因而他的作品充分发挥了旋律的魅力, 而不像传统的古典交响乐那样单纯地发挥技法。这就是德沃夏克交响曲的特殊之处。 德沃夏克的管弦乐法,并不反映当时的潮流, 虽然没有华丽绚烂的色彩,却显得十分朴实可爱。正是因为如此,他的管弦乐法遭到当时某些乐评家的误解。实际上,德沃夏克的交响曲不但能充分地发挥各种乐器的特性,而且在乐器的组合运用方面,更具有无穷的妙味。



  第一乐章 序奏,慢板,e小调,4/8拍子。 此序奏部分颇为宏大,其主题与相继的主部快板部分有极其微妙的关系,担负一种连贯全曲的特殊任务,甚至可称之为全曲精神的中心旋律。乐章的引子部分由弦乐器、定音鼓和管乐器竞相奏出强烈而热情的节奏,暗喻了美国那种紧张、忙碌的快节奏生活 (片段1); 乐章的主部主题(片段2) 贯穿了全曲的四个乐章,其特性与居住于匈牙利和波西米亚境内的马札儿民族固有的民俗音乐具有共通的性质。这一特殊主题靠着巧妙发展,转达了不同于以往音乐世界的“新世界”的消息, 具有强烈的震撼效果。 德沃夏克当时背井离乡,乡愁蕴积,故而引用了他少年时期耳熟能详的民俗歌曲特质,以遣思乡念国的情怀。乐章中另一段优美的旋律(片段3)透露出浓浓的乡愁,恰是作者这种心情的体现。

  第二乐章 最缓板,降D大调,4/4拍子,复合三段体。 这一乐章是整部交响曲中最为有名的乐章,经常被提出来单独演奏,其浓烈的乡愁之情,恰恰是德沃夏克本人身处他乡时,对祖国无限眷恋之情的体现。整个乐队的木管部分在低音区合奏出充满哀伤气氛的几个和弦之后,由英国管独奏出充满奇异美感和神妙情趣的慢板主题,弦乐以简单的和弦作为伴奏(片段4),这就是本乐章的第一主题,此部分被誉为所有交响曲中最为动人的慢板乐章。 事实上,也正因为有了这段旋律,这首交响曲才博得全世界人民的由衷喜爱。这充满无限乡愁的美丽旋律,曾被后人填上歌词,而改编成为一首名叫《恋故乡》的歌曲,并在美国广泛流传、家喻户晓。本乐章的第二主题由长笛和双簧管交替奏出, 旋律优美绝伦, 在忽高忽低的情绪中流露出了一种无言的凄凉(片段5),仍是作者思乡之情的反映。 本乐章的第三主题转为明快而活泼的旋律,具有一些捷克民间舞蹈音乐的风格(片段6)。

  第三乐章 谐谑曲,从“海华沙的婚宴”中的印第安舞蹈中得到启发,舞蹈由快而慢地不停旋转。音乐有两个主题,第一主题轻快而活泼,带有跳跃的情绪(片段7);第二主题清丽、明快,富有五声音阶特色(片段8);两个主题彼此应和、模仿。 乐章的中间部分主题悠长而婉转,是典型的捷克民间音乐风格(片段9)。

  第四乐章 快板,奏鸣曲式。 气势宏大而雄伟,这个总结性的乐章将前面乐章的主要主题一一再现,同时孕育出新的主题,彼此交织成一股感情的洪流,抒发了作者想象中和家人聚首时的欢乐情景。乐章的主部主题由圆号和小号共同奏出,威武而雄壮(片段10);副部主题则是柔美、抒情性旋律,由单簧管奏出(片段11)。这一切经过发展之后,形成辉煌的结尾。

Dvorak From the New World


The symphony was commissioned by the New York Philharmonic, and premiered on December 16, 1893 at Carnegie Hall (which was the home of the Philharmonic until 1962), conducted by Anton Seidl. A day earlier, in an article published in the New York Herald on December 15, 1893, Dvorák further explained how Native American music had been an influence on this symphony:

"I have not actually used any of the [Native American] melodies. I have simply written original themes embodying the peculiarities of the Indian music, and, using these themes as subjects, have developed them with all the resources of modern rhythms, counterpoint, and orchestral color."

In the same article, Dvorák stated that he regarded the symphony's second movement as a "sketch or study for a later work, either a cantata or opera ... which will be based upon Longfellow's [The Song of] Hiawatha" (he never actually wrote such a piece). He also wrote that the third movement scherzo was "suggested by the scene at the feast in Hiawatha where theIndians dance".

Longfellow's The Song of Hiawatha"


Antonín Dvorák was familiar with the work (here it's Longfellow's poem "The Song of Hiawatha") in Czech translation. In an article published in the New York Herald on December 15,1893, he stated that the second movement of his Symphony No. 9, From the New World, was a "sketch or study for a later work, either a cantata or opera ... which will be based upon Longfellow's Hiawatha" and that the third movement scherzo was "suggested by the scene at the feast in Hiawatha where the Indians dance."

笔者认为,Dvorak自己都承认,第三乐章受Longfellow的诗"The Song of Hiawatha"影响较大,而第二乐章Dvorak想扩而张之,再写一部opera 或 cantata(大合唱曲),而根据的就可能是(注意里面用词 "will be based upon") Longfellow 的那首诗,但这部所谓的大作却从未面世。

Going Home

Music by Antonin Dvorak, words by Williams Arms Fisher

Goin' home, goin' home
I'm goin' home
Quiet like some still day
I'm jes' goin' home

It's not far, jes' close by
Through an open door
Work all done, care laid by
Gwine to fear no more

Mothe's there 'spectin' me
Father's waitin' too
Lot's o' folk gathered there
All the friends I knew

Home, home, I'm goin' home
Nothin' lost, all's gain
No more stumblin' on the way
Gwine to roam no more

Mornin' star lights the way
Res'less dreams all done, all done
Shadow's gone, break o' day
Real life's jes' begun
Dere's no break, ain't no end
Jes' a-livin' on
Wide awake with a smile
Goin' on and on

Goin' home, goin' home
I'm jes goin' home
It's not far. Jes' close by
Through an open door
I'm jes' goin' home

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