
Lesson 66 -- Cycling trough the Air

(2008-11-17 19:53:55) 下一个

The Hatfield Puffin is a modern aeroplane, but its designer, Mr. John Wimpenny, is finding it difficult to get it off the ground. The reason for this is that this plane is also a bicycle. Its pilot has to pedal hard to get it into the air. After Mr. Wimpenny had the plane built, it was tested thoroughly. In 1961, it was the first man-powered aircraft to fly half a mile. While being flown by a champion amateur cyclist in 1963, the plane crashed on an airfield. Since then, Mr. Wimpenny has had it rebuilt. He has had the length of the wings increased so that they now measure 93 feet -- almost as long as those of a Dakota. Many people have shown interest in this new and unusual sport. But though air cyclists may learn how to fly over short distances, and may, eventually, even get across the English Channel; it is doubtful whether they will ever cycle across the Atlantic.

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