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The Story of My Life 01-03

(2011-06-19 19:59:58) 下一个

The Story of My Life -- Chapter 1 Clip 2

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My grandfather, Caspar Keller's son, "entered" large tracts of land in Alabama and finally settled there. I have been told that once a year he went from Tuscumbia to Philadelphia on horseback to purchase supplies for the plantation, and my aunt has in her possession many of the letters to his family, which give charming and vivid accounts of these trips.
My Grandmother Keller was a daughter of one of Lafayette's aides, Alexander Moore, and granddaughter of Alexander Spotswood, an early Colonial Governor of Virginia. She was also second cousin to Robert E. Lee.
我奶奶的父亲亚历山大•摩尔是拉法叶 [法国人,美国独立战争时乔治•华盛顿麾下的将军] 的一个助手,外公亚历山大•斯帕斯沃德是早期佛吉利亚殖民州长,她还是罗伯特•伊•李 [美国南北战争时期南方最著名将领] 的堂表姐妹。

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