


(2022-02-27 15:46:41) 下一个

2022-02-26 14:50:00 |编号:66695



我们的捍卫者已经破坏了敌人的计划。截至今天上午,被击毙的俄罗斯占领者人数已超过3000人。 200多名入侵者被抓获,俘虏的数量还在增加,他们自己都没有想到会遇到这样的抵抗;数百辆装甲车被摧毁,其中包括100多辆俄罗斯坦克。昨天,七架直升机被毒刺导弹击落。敌人正试图改变战术,俄罗斯军队正在炮击居民区、医院和教育机构。由于敌军大部队的快速进攻进展缓慢,他们开始大量、频繁地使用破袭侦察分队和登陆部队。我们的军队和国土防卫部队正在有效地解除他们的武装。但国土防卫部队需要民众的帮助才能更有效行动。我呼吁所有人。在基辅、哈尔科夫和其他城市敌军派遣了炮兵观察员在刺探你们的地区、或为俄罗斯军队指引目标。他们是敌军的眼睛,如果您看到可疑人员在设置标记、路标,或遇到不能清楚地说出他们所在地点准确名称的人,务请扣留他们或通知国土防卫部队,被扣留者可能就是有用的敌军情报信息来源。对某些个别的人,我提请那些有意与俄罗斯占领者合作或被某种“ 额外收入”的承诺诱惑、误导的人,俄罗斯入侵者无情和野蛮地在两天内杀害了近两百名平民,其中包括三名儿童,另有 33 名儿童受伤。如果你参与这类事件,将不会有生存的可能,在为时已晚之前放弃你的犯罪意图!乌克兰农村和小城镇的居民、以及任何有刑事案件前科的人要特别警惕。如果你与一支俄罗斯坦克、装甲车队相遇,后面不远就会有一个装有燃料的车队跟随它,截击或烧毁燃料车,俄罗斯的坦克就无法行驶,我们的部队就能缴获这些坦克、装甲车辆并利用它们来对抗敌军。





Address by the Minister of Defence of Ukraine Oleksii Reznikov

2022-02-26 14:50:00 | ID: 66695
Dear Ukrainians!

Over 55 hours of resistance.

Our defenders have destroyed the enemy's plans. As of this morning, the number of Russian occupiers killed has exceeded 3,000. More than 200 interventionists are captured. The number of captives is increasing. They did not expect such a response and themselves. Hundreds of armoured vehicles have been destroyed, including more than a hundred Russian tanks. Yesterday, seven helicopters were shot down by Stingers. The enemy is trying to change tactics. Russian troops are shelling residential areas, hospitals, and educational institutions. As the rapid offensive by large columns faltered, the sabotage-reconnaissance group and landing force began to be used more vigorously. Our army and Territorial Defence Forces are effectively disarming them. But the Territorial Defence Forces need help to act ahead. I appeal to everyone. There are artillery observes in Kyiv, Kharkiv and other cities who can target your homes or lay a road for the way for Russian troops. They are the eyes of the enemy. If you see suspicious persons setting up marks, tagging or failing to clearly explain their purpose for being in a specific place, detain them yourself or inform the Territorial Defence Forces. Detainees can be a source of helpful information. Individually, I appeal to those knowingly collaborating with the Russian occupiers or who may have been misled by promises of "extra income". Russian heartless beast has killed almost two hundred civilians in two days, including three children. Another 33 children were injured. In such circumstances, you may simply not be willing or able to be arrested alive. Give up your criminal intentions before it is too late. There is a special plea for residents of Ukrainian villages and small towns and anyone else who has a suitable case. If a convoy of Russian armoured vehicles passes you, a convoy with fuel follows it after a while. Stop or burn it. The Russian tanks just stop. Our troops capture them and use them against the enemy.

Ukraine will win anyway!

Glory to Ukraine!

Glory to the Armed Forces of Ukraine!

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