2010 (840)
2011 (629)
2012 (247)
2013 (653)
2014 (1463)
2015 (155)
2016 (265)
2017 (251)
砸, 舂,... pound, tamp, buffet,折磨,...
祖先創造了繁難但有哲理的漢字,又在長期中外交流後改善進化發展出可以與外文更相對接適應的成分. *
誰甘願不發出徐志摩為懷春男女所追捧的詩文? 誰不想首先發出為社會改換的雷鳴般的檄文? 誰甘心在培育理論賞目之花裡落後?
* 我行其野中的 ”家”字的上古音接近”姑“,与 ”樗” 和 ”局” 在上古是押韵的。今天绍兴余姚宁波一代,家字的读音还是”... - 近仁1995
Along with other connections, most Chinese characters have structural connections with English words, as analyzed in my book "Secrets of Words". Such as: all of the 12 Hanzi definitions of rich 富 share a common trait. Not far-fetched, no redundant and unrelated story association is needed, simply as it is, the key structures will jump out to prove the clear guiding principles.
曾與幾位世冠交談過兩句,Thanks Size-o鼓勵我像XX那樣"衝出亞洲",已達到,是裁判不夠格,也無正式比賽,哈,一個人沒勁.
建築殊不易,除去談何急,消除要逐漸,幾代長計議 word secret only
著迷 C-E connection
請記得我為大家爭得寶貴的一分, (What can you do for the needy?)