

(2014-06-20 16:23:22) 下一个

1. Man’s Search for Meaning; Frankl Viktor E.

2. Procrastination; Jane B.Burka & Lenora M.Yuen
3. Interpretation of Dreams; Sigmund Freud
4. Tolerance; Hendrik Willem Van Loon
5. How to Read a Book; Mortimer Adler &  Charles Van Doren
6. Influence; Robert B. Cialdini
7. Concerning Civil Government; John Locke
8. 人的潜能和价值;Abraham Maslow (此为论文集,无英文原版)
9. The Design of Everyday Things; Donald Arthur Norman
10. The Little Prince; Saint-Exupery
11. Thinking Strategically; Avinash K.Dixit & Barry J.Nalebuff
12. Priceless: The Myth of Fair Value; William Poundstone
13. The Shallows : What the Internet Is Doing to Our Brains; Nicholas Carr
14. Positioning: The Battle for Your Mind; Al Ries & Jack Trout
15. The McKinsey Way; Ethan M.Rasiel
16. The Social Contract; Rousseau.J.J.
17. The Mythical Man-Month; Frederick P.Brooks.Jr.
18. Ethics; Baruch Spinoza
19. 目送;龙应台
20. The Joy of Freedom: An Economist’s Odyssey; David R. Henderson
21. Nineteen Eighty-four; George Orwell
22. 雪国;川端康成
23. The Selfish Gene; Richard Dawkins
24. The Facebook Effect; David Kirkpatrick
25. A Study of History; Arnold J. Toynbee
26. The Democracy of America; Tocqueville A.
27. 西方美学史;朱光潜
28. The Long Tail;Chris Anderson
29. Republic; Plato
30. The Chrysanthemum and the sword; Ruth Benedict
31. 激荡三十年;吴晓波
32. Principles of Economics; N. Gregory Mankiw
33. Les Misérables; Victor Hugo
34. 芙蓉镇;古华
35. 平凡的世界;路遥
36. The Old Man and the Sea; Ernest Hemingway
37. The Crowd, A Study of the Popular Mind; Gustave Le Bon
38. Le Rouge et Le Noir; Stendhal
39. 人间词话;王国维
40. The Theory of War; Carl Von Clausevitz
41. The HP Way: How Bill Hewlett and I Built Our Company; David Packard
42. Nonviolent Communication; Marshall B.Rosenberg
43. How to Win Friends and Influence People; Dale Camegeie
44. The Art of Loving; Erich Fromm
45. A Theory of Justice; John Rawls
46. Psychology and Life; Richard J. Gerrig
47. A Doll’s House; Hanrik Johan Ibsen
48. What is Life; Elvin Shroedinger
49. The Decline of the West; Oswald Spengler
50. The Spirit of the Laws; Montesquieu

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