合法或合罚,奧秘本不乏,琺瑯代法郎,閥門關軍閥, 髮廊裡伐樹,出發
乘竹筏,難以置信是,層層疊砝碼,法院無人理,發現人走馬,充满了焦虑, 焦虑令困乏
反抗防止前夕,搶先強佔槍戰,消除矛盾對手,對照對峙對面 12 (English) words
this is a words compiling,basically understandable, but more the surface, most of these 12 words are followed a suffix anti-, like Chinese use a pair of chopstick, while the westerners use much more. Someone was puzzled because he did not notice the last note---12 words means English words.