(2014-01-22 08:23:55)
My book will be seedling. Compare to literature, it is root and seedling, since my seedling is a break though, it may qualified as a full fruit. The nest step, I will make it more complete in the sense of theory and literature. 苗 and 實
起火原因为家电漏电 馬年轉打,羊年避殃
"每天都来看看 几种对黄人属于高危的人群要特别当心 1,年轻 2,high 3,downtown 4,一群 5,某些种族 6,凌晨(酒毒)7, 白天可能老远就发现你当目标 8, 黑天可能好不容易碰见你
9, 没好气的可能拿你软柿子出气 10,性高彩烈的人可能顺便打你助兴
此文組織雞零,幾近和尚百衲,即使濫竽充數,不至如此低下----------------红二代不超四万 有限谈不上帮派