May also produce E-book
第一册--Yind篇".......complete by May to July,2011
dealing with tones, since the answer of my riddle will be given, my blog will become a part of it under the section of the same title
第二册--置换篇" my earliest discovery
第三册--辨形篇" my speciality--through my painter's eye, this is a "taboo' hardly anyone can breakthrough it...
第五册--部首篇" Others talk about it and did not find anything new
第六册--匡正篇" Don't be too anxious to call yourself a 仓颉,
平填坑, 不掉崖
快抢收, 不绣花
不透风, 疏走马
谱小曲, 压百家
Fill the pits, do not fall off cliff
Rush in the harvest, do not embroider
tight enough to block the flow of air
and wide enough to let horse run through
Compose a ditty surpass one hundred masters
检验辨别 if my new system belongs to psudoscience | 2012-07-31 10:59:43 |  |
1.have实验证据 and 断言
存在矛盾实例的情形下, point out it exists. 能进行重复性实验, 合逻辑. Sometimes,在存在多种可能解释的情况下取其一 to emphasize. 已被接受的科研规范 may not一致. those nomes don't solve problem.
不宣称自己是科学,推翻现有的some 理论.
different from 大众科学 (可能达不到科学的标准,包含了一些科学幻想),大众科学很可能源自未经科学方法论训练、不知何为同行评审的人,或经其散播。
3.Did not 使用模糊、夸大或无法验证的论断.
No 模棱两可的命题,缺乏具体的测量标准。 有操作流程的明确定义,来说明测量数据是如何取得的。有适当的控制对照组。有适当的限定条件。在一定条件下,科学理论预言某些现象是否会发生。no过度依赖正面支持而没有挑战
4. No 无法被证伪的命题。
No 过度依赖个人证言和个案例子。No 选择性的使用试验结果。no 只选择有利证据而故意忽略或压制不利证据。
5. 反向举证责任,提出理论方有举证责任
Disregard 开放性,不便其他专家验证? this has example or agreement with publisher
在发表结果前逃避同行评议(也称作「新闻发布会式科学研究」)。 科学界需要作者能共享数据以便评估结果。不能提供数据而使其他专家重复结果的是缺乏开放性的表现。 声称秘密或独家知识而不提供数据和具体方法让同行评议。
科学问题个人化 no 学霸作风。
6.no 使用误导性的语言 no 使用表面上科学性的语言而让非专业人士相信其科学性。 No 促销
概念辨析 可以通过严格的科学方式进行检验,在其有效范围内没有发现反例且具有可重复性。
7. 原科学(protoscience)处於假说或不完善阶段,还没有被科学所证实,也没有被推翻的理论。may 作出定论。
8 no 科学骗局 and 假科学与超理 (指的是一些网路论坛(尤其是化学论坛)中关於科学内容的玩笑)。
9.may be 是唯一的知识体系 in classification。还有很多有用的知识,它们并不属於伪科学。经过完整归纳、验证的知识,纳入科学体系,may incl.日常生活的经验和直觉。
A France man built a mini Paris. It may not be whole Paris but high efficiency is proved and touching. Again, my hobby is less likely be shared since to edit dictionary is labeled as "torture", which I demur with my success that my book may attract more than that sum--1/7 million people per day. |
1.have实验证据 and 断言
存在矛盾实例的情形下, point out it exists. 能进行重复性实验, 合逻辑. Sometimes,在存在多种可能解释的情况下取其一 to emphasize. 已被接
受的科研规范 may not一致. those nomes don't solve problem.
不宣称自己是科学,推翻现有的some 理论.
different from 大众科学 (可能达不到科学的标准,包含了一些科学幻想),大众科学很可能源自未经科学方法论训练、不知何为同行评审的人,或经其散播。
3.Did not 使用模糊、夸大或无法验证的论断.
No 模棱两可的命题,缺乏具体的测量标准。 有操作流程的明确定义,来说明测量数据是如何取得的。有适当的控制对照组。有适当的限定条件。在一定条件下,科学理论预言某些现象是否会发生。no过度依赖正面支持而没有挑战
4. No 无法被证伪的命题。
No 过度依赖个人证言和个案例子。No 选择性的使用试验结果。no 只选择有利证据而故意忽略或压制不利证据。
5. 反向举证责任,提出理论方有举证责任
Disregard 开放性,不便其他专家验证? this has example or agreement with publisher
在发表结果前逃避同行评议(也称作「新闻发布会式科学研究」)。 科学界需要作者能共享数据以便评估结果。不能提供数据而使其他专家重复结果的是缺乏开放性的表现。 声称秘密或独家知识而不提供数据和具体方法让同行评议。
科学问题个人化 no 学霸作风。
6.no 使用误导性的语言 no 使用表面上科学性的语言而让非专业人士相信其科学性。 No 促销
概念辨析 可以通过严格的科学方式进行检验,在其有效范围内没有发现反例且具有可重复性。
7. 原科学(protoscience)处於假说或不完善阶段,还没有被科学所证实,也没有被推翻的理论。may 作出定论。
8 no 科学骗局 and 假科学与超理 (指的是一些网路论坛(尤其是化学论坛)中关於科学内容的玩笑)。
9.may be 是唯一的知识体系 in classification。还有很多有用的知识,它们并不属於伪科学。经过完整归纳、验证的知识,纳入科学体系,may incl.日常生活的经验和直觉。
A France man built a mini Paris. It may not be whole Paris but high efficiency is proved and touching.
Again, my hobby is less likely be shared since to edit dictionary is labeled as "torture", which I demur with my success that my book may attract more than that sum--1/7 million people per day.
检验辨别 if my new system belongs to psudoscience | 2012-07-31 10:59:43 |  |
1.have实验证据 and 断言
存在矛盾实例的情形下, point out it exists. 能进行重复性实验, 合逻辑. Sometimes,在存在多种可能解释的情况下取其一 to emphasize. 已被接受的科研规范 may not一致. those nomes don't solve problem.
不宣称自己是科学,推翻现有的some 理论.
different from 大众科学 (可能达不到科学的标准,包含了一些科学幻想),大众科学很可能源自未经科学方法论训练、不知何为同行评审的人,或经其散播。
3.Did not 使用模糊、夸大或无法验证的论断.
No 模棱两可的命题,缺乏具体的测量标准。 有操作流程的明确定义,来说明测量数据是如何取得的。有适当的控制对照组。有适当的限定条件。在一定条件下,科学理论预言某些现象是否会发生。no过度依赖正面支持而没有挑战
4. No 无法被证伪的命题。
No 过度依赖个人证言和个案例子。No 选择性的使用试验结果。no 只选择有利证据而故意忽略或压制不利证据。
5. 反向举证责任,提出理论方有举证责任
Disregard 开放性,不便其他专家验证? this has example or agreement with publisher
在发表结果前逃避同行评议(也称作「新闻发布会式科学研究」)。 科学界需要作者能共享数据以便评估结果。不能提供数据而使其他专家重复结果的是缺乏开放性的表现。 声称秘密或独家知识而不提供数据和具体方法让同行评议。
科学问题个人化 no 学霸作风。
6.no 使用误导性的语言 no 使用表面上科学性的语言而让非专业人士相信其科学性。 No 促销
概念辨析 可以通过严格的科学方式进行检验,在其有效范围内没有发现反例且具有可重复性。
7. 原科学(protoscience)处於假说或不完善阶段,还没有被科学所证实,也没有被推翻的理论。may 作出定论。
8 no 科学骗局 and 假科学与超理 (指的是一些网路论坛(尤其是化学论坛)中关於科学内容的玩笑)。
9.may be 是唯一的知识体系 in classification。还有很多有用的知识,它们并不属於伪科学。经过完整归纳、验证的知识,纳入科学体系,may incl.日常生活的经验和直觉。
A France man built a mini Paris. It may not be whole Paris but high efficiency is proved and touching. Again, my hobby is less likely be shared since to edit dictionary is labeled as "torture", which I demur with my success that my book may attract more than that sum--1/7 million people per day. |
随便普遍俩分开 10 G- h-
Last night the kids from neighbor made noise, instead of shouting at them, I went out and joined in a talk, a teenager commented that although with accent "you seem like a narrator", then I told them I was good in shorthand.
"the little teacher of news" was a title my elementary teacher MS Su, a kind old lady, called me. Because my mother worked at a library, I could easily read the news and liked to broadcast to my little companies. I was asked to stand on the spot of teacher, well, tell the news about the Taiwan strait.
Now is my time to be in that spot again...
a secret has been pried up by XXXX in ROC Year 100, Chinese Continuously numbered years 4708, or AD 2011.
names of my acquaintances. Well, 12 have been chosen for a panel, (imaginary:
* DH: a "#1" Spirit analyst, PHD.
* MW: a theorist of politics, no college degree
* LZ: a former literature college teacher or her well known businessman husband
* XL: a director of a language committee
* JH: a full professor
* YX: an IT engineer
* SC: a PU professor and dean
* ZC: a chemical middle school teacher
* ZY: a graduate school student of Psychology
* XX: a school teacher of a village
* PT: a publisher or an editor
* KL: a statesman
Received first book subscription of $200 from Mr.Weiya Ning, a pastor. I will send out about 20 books to Sichuan. Small sum but a good sign. My classmates in Universities, Chinese school will order probably 100 plus copies. I will send out at least 20 complimentary copies:
Cynthia Daniel, Mr. and Mrs. Nielson, President one or two. Palace Museum library and others. My high schools. There are 8 subscription in WXC so far.
Last time I should send world mosque calendars I painted to some leaders but I did not. I must force me to send out at least 20.
auspicious omen
我就目睹了疑似神迹的现象: 天云飘至我头顶, 出现比较清晰的字样--王...
I was late about 8 pm, when I looked on the sky. I spotted an image formed by rosy or auroral clouds shined by setting sun. It roughly resembles a rider on a jumpping horse:
It was bright and full of energy. At the beginning, it does not complete a whole horse for I expected a galloping pose, legs extended, later I agreed with its jumpping pose, and its angle is more close to prancing see picture.
The jumpping is to jump over an obstacle. The prancing showed more hight, but no rider, means independent.
This auspicious omen I regarded as 天人感应,就是有智慧的人都感觉得到天道循环的变化,而作出应的意思。
SEE http://www.17ing.com/IEnew-I.htm
8.26 cloud come near show wang ren 2 characters
8.27 close cloud never seen before
畅不常见尽其效用 引进实用综合工具 习惯之法筋疲力尽
岂能常孕子宫非器 迎新纪元表达喜悦 方向改变极大努力
前驱引进用户美方 防止小人盗用名义
13+ English words u-