

(2012-07-19 06:47:45) 下一个

目的为研究汉英对应 以下落笔不改,仅有开始两三字改动
又有友反守  援助未袖手 首游由优诱 邮轮尤其馊 于是逾期忧 遇余久余留
与伊游宇宙 玉音说英语 羽丰遇淫雨 渊源原有元 家园聘驾驭 目的存高远
墓地寻方圆 毁约不必怨 赏乐望古月 一阅众岳小 更悦凭鱼跃 云匀陨运行
酝酿探蕴蓄 风流且蕴籍 时来好运气 幽雅悠扬韵 奋勇著书用 如油喷涌出
雍容无臃肿 庸才何拥有 永世无其终 踊跃观喁喁

一无是处 vs 不改初衷

I wrote couple of drafts of address a day ago, and found it is in literary language and vague, needed to be changed to spoken language, and be clear.  不改初衷, sometimes the first idea is a sparkling idea, need to jot down in a memorandum book, which I don't have. On my fourth attmpt,the phrase 人神共愤 jump out and it is not vague but expressive and a bit of novel.  Confucius said: think twice is enough. So, 一 in 一无是处 may imply its wrongness. On my words study, I went back to phonetics instead of structure, found out it is more universal and is final in my order list. I will tell in front of my mother's picture.

敌中有我 我在敌中 他吃兽肉 我也不是吃素的。 4 words
椭圆不锐也不尖 缠住扰烦令反感
本非锐角难观测 模糊更因光昏暗   6 words o-

7 English words


粗通不行需精通 熟练直到火纯青 精通难以比深奥 表层镀金一时红

2 English adj. p-
心情辛苦又欣悦 新法挑衅难信奉 寻求高薪须信心 十六欣赏心上人  xin :)

性事行房不欲醒 星型猩形本姓邢 刑逼血腥省幸存 兴会大千杏眼人 xing :))

GOOGLE: Feel hard again enlightened
The new law of provocation is hard to believe in
Seek high salaries to be confidence
Sixteen appreciate sweetheart

Sexual intercourse do not want to wake up
Star ape shaped the surname Xing
Torture to force the bloody province survived
Trade union by Daqian almond-eyed people

有牙长象牙 有眼项目清 发痒是渴望 有伢望爬藤  4 English words i-

实习交白纸 训练无红字 开业搭架子 水磨吱吱转不息 才有利 2 English words P
Use margin of a book as a time statistics for book writing. I imagine I was in racing with a competitor.Also I can mark on tax schedule for same popurse.

Karl Marx used white books as refrence material, which those riches used as target of shooting. Same here, we have same riches in WXC.

未曾走马已输棋 乏善读人屡遭欺 总算自强感神助 不叫愚公也称奇

莎士比亚持枪尖 未曾发言先痉挛 一阵大怒发洪水 诽谤就是污泥溅 5 E.words  s-

下不才  下才 不才

what a nuisance what a news  what an odium what a medium

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