
A due paper for 54 discussion

(2012-05-04 16:57:34) 下一个
May the 4th is a day that PUer should present a paper for discussion meeting, the last notice I received is from my classmate L who has passed away by disease, I never did for my condition. Next year it may end that vacancy.

May 4th deeply impressed in my childhood memory but did not know it has any connection with my family and classmate of my father even I had a series illustration about it in PU's journal. When I was in a room of the library of PU at the same height of the top of Mao's giant statue, I searched my grandfather's article in old magazines. Later I told him about it, I felt relieved that it was what I could do, for once I disappointed him.

It is a contrast of that what he had a meteoric (feihuang tengda)and I suffered, not to say had fame, small success yes, I had three in the past, so may the fourth come quickly. Fate did not ignore me for my effort. I might have opportunity to see two generation of noted persons related to
May 4th, one is scholar Zhou Cezhong who I did not see.

For broader researching and study of PHD I probably will never catch up, but as a humble laborer I achieved and I have no much refret for what I have done so far, I will bring my gold baby to return the cradle of this famous modern movement which marked a revolutionary change for the old country.
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