人在末日 人在日本/自耕农跟牛
(2012-03-20 05:40:37)
人在末日 人在日本...對於我這樣的未來派,這兩個名詞都可以多少提醒一下.
By the way, A Japanese found a method called "畫圈法" to learn Chinese, please discribe it or copy some paragraph.
I checked website only to find out that research on learning English word is at, basically,primitive stage...刀耕火種, ahah.
过度即该付 归功于己臭 自耕农跟牛 灾祸已临头 4 English words o-
想牛先吸氧 有氧视觉敏 当牛先作蚝 嘴紧讲话少 4 English words
石榴一十六,真瓷未假裝,罌粟麻我醉,文章冇冗長,才能多具有,蘋果槍魚醬,港口換駐防,網友上肖像 7 p-