Thanks for your long time supporting!
Now I acquired the ability to tell how to explain: purple, lilac, lily, lavender, their relation with Chinese. Unbelievable, hah, by hard labor of over a decade. It is better to start with my basic idea, leave the rest for later time.
I donˇt learn by rote (bei4), my research idea is based on:
* I-Ching, Dao De Jing, Confucius * phonetics * thinking in image and association incl. paired association
* play with riddle is a good way of brain training * thesaurus and dictionaries, ...
There are no ready books for me to take a reference. Some recent new ideas are encouraging but do not hit the core. None have the real key. Many of their words are not sufficient enough to change the current situation of word learning. None, the Westerners or Chinese have offered us a useful tool for vocabulary building skill despite volumes of books.
They forgot there is a way by feet, the silk road existed is no worth of news, but the "silk road" to connect words Chinese and English, as well as most of the other languages, this notion is probably a news worthy. Today I can announce that this road, let's use the words of Caesar: "Veni, vidi, vici" I came, I saw, I conquered.
Even though the road need a lot of works, but the survey of line the blue print, is basically finished.
Congratulation to every one with consistency!
New discovery: oppose operation | 2012-03-18 21:42:09 |  |
as well as opportune vs.opponent orderly vs ordinal vs ordinary organ vs ordure :) much much more, like Mr. Xiao Yuan said, it is monetary ... Great discovery! Say epochmarking is not outrageous at all. Remember ALAMO a language amazing miracle is discoved by our member in Meiyushijie March 2012 ( as well as a gift for those born in Shuangyu I don't know the word, make it as bilingual for pisces,) |
New discovery: oppose operation | 2012-03-18 21:42:09 |  |
as well as opportune vs.opponent orderly vs ordinal vs ordinary organ vs ordure :) much much more, like Mr. Xiao Yuan said, it is monetary ... Great discovery! Say epochmarking is not outrageous at all. Remember ALAMO a language amazing miracle is discoved by our member in Meiyushijie March 2012 ( as well as a gift for those born in Shuangyu I don't know the word, make it as bilingual for pisces,) |