

(2012-02-15 05:05:01) 下一个

T 人有一胃  牛肚三倍  表点线面  女性同备    挑剔轻快  挑担才累  牙关紧闭  损失轻微   水陆加空  三栖部队  去掉陈腐  凯旋而归
                                                                                                                             9 English words  t-

闭幕唯见布   布衣可近乎 神秘气氛罩一层  报刊难以剪取出                             5 English words CL -

稍微来福枪  1   骚扰无骚动  风来雨就来  风上就扫尾  2                                    2 words

E  虚弱终未有效能  冒泡兴高又采烈  努力尝试出成果  抒发柔情难忘却          7 English words
googled ...none is in    Weak end of failed performance   Bubbling Hing tall and adopt strong/elated
Try results  Express tenderness memorable but   another try   Weak  End has not   ****
..........Efficacy   Bubble   Elated  Strive  Try Achievements Express Tenderness Difficult Forget 

 L 张章高升难 最后之人选 王汪也如此 不支靠边站                                         3 English word L

M  小看犬钻穴  大 *人*入京  *躁狂王莽*明  *花招*罩*委任                          7 English words m

鞭本苦难源  鞭策反鼓励  大勇对大灾  夺鞭揍仇敌                                             3 English words    minimum letters
股票苦难源  大话不盈利  嘲弄思想法  不锁受冲击                                             7 E.words

亲戚休戚相关  叔嫂不援手  嫂子快溺亡   选择上下其手                                     2 English words  Conclusion: Time has changed, male and female are no difference
屁滾尿流聲音,憋不住滿腹憤懣   The crap out of the sound, can not hold back full of resentment,
爆竹崩彈奪目,見慣了隨意恭維    Brilliant firecrackers spring, used to see a random compliment
捐捐捐,甜甜圈  甜甜圈裡藏春卷  甜甜圈裡藏花卷  吃了甜甜圈不夠
吃了春卷吃花卷  吃得小娟更疲倦  打開她的鋪蓋捲  杜鵑唱歌聽不見 Secret in 捐 vs.卷

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