
Chinese number definitions

(2011-07-08 10:56:35) 下一个
Chinese number definitions

Cantonese frequently assign the following definitions (based on its sound), which may differ in other Chinese languages:

  1. [jɐ́t]  — sure
  2. [ji̭ː]  — easy 易 [ji̭ː]
  3. [sáːm]  — live 生 [sáːŋ]
  4. [sēi]  — considered unlucky since 4 is a homophone with the word for death or suffering 死 [sěi], yet in the Shanghainese, it is a homophone of water (水)and is considered lucky since water is associated with money.
  5. [ŋ̬]  — the self, me, myself 吾 [ŋ̭], nothing, never 唔 [ŋ, m][need tone]
  6. [lùːk]  — easy and smooth, all the way
  7. [tsʰɐ́t]  — a slang/vulgar word in Cantonese.
  8. [pāːt]  — sudden fortune, prosperity 發 [fāːt]
  9. [kɐ̌u]  — long in time 久 [kɐ̌u], enough 夠 [kɐ̄u] or a slang/vulgar word derived from dog 狗 [kɐ̌u] in Cantonese

Some "lucky number" combinations include:

  • 99 — doubly long in time, hence eternal; used in the name of a popular Chinese-American supermarket chain, 99 Ranch Market.
  • 168 — many premium-pay telephone numbers in China begin with this number. It is also the name of a motel chain in China (Motel 168).
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