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A dictionary by a different standard is 一大堆 mess, I recall that, once in order to find a good used book, I stood on a top of 一堆 garbage of used books, those are the same low-grade text books. By the way, in Finland, the textbooks of elementary school are recycled to students of the next grade, a book will be used for a long time.
My effort will give those words 一推, 一大推, making them in a new order, clearly labeled, because there are invisible hands that were unnoticed by us, may comparable to new technology which revolutionized our way of living. My ideas will function like an index for a closed book.
乱石穿空,惊涛裂岸,卷起千堆雪...From this ancient battleground, here I recite this famous line, I will try to change 乱石,惊涛 and千堆雪 to 石壁, 平湖 and 一片祥云。
See 一堆 random rocks will be 点石为金, changed to 一锥--金字塔, 通天塔.
情景教学法”.英 语 单 词 妙 趣
① 同音异形异义词∶too—two
② 同音同形异义词∶orange(形容词,橙色的;名词,橙子)
③ 形近词 变首字母∶ c a t—h a t
变中间字母∶ s h i r t—s k i r t
变尾字母∶ c a t—c a r
增加一个字母∶a l l—b a l l s h e—s h o e
减少一个字母∶t h r e e—t r e e