
节奏 / 旋律 vs.不一律 EB1-06

(2010-10-24 05:54:10) 下一个


"節奏是一種以一定速度的快慢的節拍,主要是use difference of speed and tone把它們組合到一起。例如,2/2拍就是強弱拍,...「嘭恰」,那麼3/4拍是強弱弱,...「嘭恰恰」,圓舞曲大部分就都是3/4拍的了,4/4拍是強弱漸強漸弱。節奏可以獨立被欣賞,例如鑼鼓演奏。節奏也可以成為旋律音樂的骨架。節奏的組成:1.模式的規則與不規則 2.聲音的長短 3.聲音的強弱 4.聲音的有無  1/2拍: ta , 1/4拍: ti "


"不一律/偶然:突然的,不是经常的;意想不到的 .通常把偶然性視作事物的一個屬性。比如很可能發生的事情可被描述為「很可能發生」,而對必然不發生的事情可以說「偶然性為零」。這裡的並不意味着我們已經量化了偶然性,或者對偶然性作出了任何度量,因為這需要引入概率的定義。 probability 一詞可指事件可以發生或不發生這種性質(可能性),也可以指這種性質的度量(概率)。"

节奏... The principles of design help to determine how to use the design elements. There are four principles of design: balance, emphasis, rhythm, and unity. Picasso once said he must avoid 偶然, ...I guess it means that 偶然 is usually in contrary with 节奏. An artist also said that he wish to catch a happy accident, these two are in accordance.

As an artist I have trained with some kind of sense of 节奏, a fairly good result in stock speculation is inevitable. Speculation as a fine art and thoughts on life is a book wrote by Dickson G. Watts in around 1880.

Once I practiced tennis solo, it was a lifeless start, then I started shouting; "1234, 5678, 2234..." with that kind of 节奏 I felt motivated. Wang Luoyong urged him to speed pronunciation with a metronome, this enlightened me to paint with music or a song.

Back to the title, what are these words of 节奏, 不一律? (two words started with r)






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