
红星周报 3

(2010-08-16 15:45:59) 下一个
2010-8-16 词海探针全新的字分析_____________________________________________________________舒搏著*******************热情支持北京二号 红乐坊 AnitaM 梦萍韵 Letstalk 金色的麦田 戏雨飞鹰 楚江 子英 米奇鼠 东渡 说文解字----My 9th discovery on words 2009-11-16 17:54:44 My 9th discovery on words occured days ago. I may compare it with the last Chinese dynasty in two characters: it is in a more broad way as Qing dynasty acquired most territory; and it is less concret than the former 8 items, one has to be flexible to avoid being trapped. But it will not stop anyone with inquisitive mind, willing to be challenged. 说文解字限华夏,英词隐秘竟无察,我贯中西发雏声,师孔三绝何惊诧. 义释五种溯源上,音别两式区高下, 形判二类破蛛网, 韦编变革鞍备马.搜寻十载经惨淡,架通一堑消误差,秋实唯望报春恩,渐行渐近在天涯. 完成字数 subtotal:倒数记日 total 80,000 words for first bookDayly/weekly target: 200/1000finished:8.16.2010 200wds. week:(Dec.7 50,zhuomi, 2, shuguang, baichi, yishi, zanshi, ......8 pc accident 1.5 hour wasted,......9 100, ri --ri o-o 2h. ptg....10 100, ....11 12---25 140 wd26,27282930311. )
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