
中国为什么难以变成一个安静的国家? 凤凰网

(2010-03-02 14:56:07) 下一个

我曾经对这个问题有过一篇小文章来尝试着回答过。 I have on this issue have had a small article to try to answer too. 这篇小文章叫《中国人说话的声音为什么特别大? This small article called "Why is the voice of the Chinese people to speak particularly large? 》,我在这篇小文里是从美国杜威《我们怎样思维》一书中得到启示的。 "I have in this little-ri from the United States John Dewey," How We Think, "a book to be inspired. 因为杜威说,如果一个民族缺乏逻辑思维能力,缺乏分析与讲理的习惯,那么,一切的行为及权威只能靠大声来保证,而且需要大声才会有效果。 Because Dewey said that if a nation lacks the logical thinking ability, the lack of analysis and unreasonable habit, then all behavior and to ensure that the authority can only rely on loud, but also loudly will be effective. 也就是说你在这样的群体中生存,只能靠声音洪亮,并且气势汹汹来显示自己的力量。 In other words you have to survive in such a group can only rely on the sound loud and aggressive to show their strength. 我想,这种情况的出现其实仍然显示的是人的原始野性的一面。 I think the emergence of this situation is that people actually still show the original wild side. 也就是进入现代人类文明,特别是人类智慧的程度远远不够才会有的结果。 That is, into the modern human civilization, especially the degree of human wisdom is not enough only some results. 比如,非洲草原上,各种动物在争斗的时候,都会把自己的嗓门提高,表现出极大的吼叫声,以便壮威,吓退对方。 For example, the African grasslands, a variety of animals in the struggle, that they will raise his own voice, showing a great roaring sound in order to Zhuang Wei, deter the other side. 一个民族如果嗓门总是太大,而且嘈杂不安,是否仍然也有这种动物的原始根本特征在这里呢? A nation is always too loud and noisy and disturbing, do you still have such a fundamental characteristic of the original animal in here? 这一切我只能作一种逻辑上的猜测,真正的结论要等到人类学家去实地考察,并且作实验才可能会得到比较科学可靠的结论。 All this I can only make a logical guess, the real conclusion to wait until the anthropologist-site observation, and the experiment was likely to be more scientific and reliable conclusions. 不过,我的这种猜测也不是完全没有道理的。 However, I guess this is not entirely unjustified. 要不然杜威就不会想到一个人逻辑思维能力的缺乏就会表现出靠大声来壮胆取胜。 Dewey would not have otherwise thought of a person's lack of logical thinking ability will show through loud to embolden win. 想起著名学者黎鸣先生专门研究过中国几千年来的文化的最大的弊病之一就是逻辑严重缺乏,而且分析问题的能力与习惯非常不足,以此来验证应该还是有一定的说服力的。 Remember well-known scholar Mr. Li Ming special studies of Chinese culture for thousands of years, one of the biggest drawbacks is that a serious lack of logic, but also the ability to analyze problems and habits are very inadequate as a way to verify that should still have some convincing. 中国人喜欢热闹,害怕寂寞,因此,才有过年过节,鞭炮齐鸣,焰火四射的现象。 Chinese people like excitement, fear of loneliness, therefore, only the Chinese New Year festivals, fireworks Qiming, fireworks great success phenomenon. 连喝个酒也要把猜拳的喝令声弄得震耳欲聋,仿佛不这样,生活就没有意义似的。 Not even drink alcohol, we should also confused deafening sound of finger-guessing game of the ordered, as if did not, like life is meaningless.

我这次去日本考察,最大的感受就是日本是一个非常安静的国家,这是一个非常安宁的民族。 I went to Japan to study, the biggest feeling is that Japan is a very quiet country, this is a very peaceful nation. 所以,我特别有感触,提出中国要先变成一个安静的国家,安静才会理性,安静才会想出好办法、好对策,安静才能蓄积力量,涵养智慧,变通改革,开出新路。 So, I am particularly touched that China must first become a quiet country, quiet and only a rational, calm will come up with good methods and countermeasures, in order to accumulate a quiet strength, the wisdom of conservation, alternative reform, opening up new roads. 但是,外表的安静一定是有内心的灵魂的安宁与之相配才会有的。 However, the appearance of quiet must be some inner peace of soul, some of whom will match. 内心里躁动不安,也肯定容易在外表上表现出来,而内心灵魂的安宁才是一个社会变成安静的根本原因。 Restless at heart, it certainly manifested in the appearance of easy, while the inner peace of the soul is a society into a quiet root causes. 但是,这种灵魂的安宁是从哪里来的? However, this peace of the soul come from? 我以为这种安宁是来自真诚的宗教信仰。 I think that this peace comes from the sincere religious beliefs. 无论是天主教、基督教、犹太教,还是佛教或者伊斯兰教,只要是真诚的信仰,无论你有多么劳累,无论你有多么高贵或者多么卑贱,多么富贵或者多么贫穷,只要你走进一个十分安宁的教堂或者佛教寺庙或者清真寺,你立即就会变得安宁、敬畏与超脱。 Whether it is Catholicism, Christianity, Judaism, or Buddhism or Islam, as long as good faith belief, no matter how tired you are, no matter how noble or how you are humble, how rich or how poor, as long as you walked into the church a very peaceful or a Buddhist temple or a mosque, you will become an immediate peace, awe and transcendence. 你就容易以一种出世的心态来做入世的一切事情。 You will lend itself to a state of mind born to do everything accession to the WTO. 而中国文化恰恰是一个缺乏真诚信仰的文化。 The Chinese culture is precisely a lack of genuine belief in culture. 从孔老夫子开始,他就是一个无神论者,他敬畏的三样东西中,有一样是与宗教有一点关系的,这就是“天命”,其他的两项,一是大人,另一是圣人之言,说来都完全是世俗权力的东西。 From the beginning Confucius, he is an atheist, he was in awe of three things, there is a little like the relationship with religion, which is "Mandate of Heaven", the other two, one adult, the other is the sage words of said to have entirely secular power thing. 大人是掌握了世俗生杀大权的人,圣人是掌握了精神话语霸权的人。 Adults is to seize the reins of secular people, sage is the master spirit of the discourse of hegemony people. 但是,就是这个本应该有一点宗教色彩的“天命”,后来也被皇帝所剥夺了。 However, is this should have a little religious overtones of "destiny", but then was denied by the emperor. 这就是后来皇帝圣旨里开头所说的:“奉天承运,皇帝诏曰”,及我们口口声声所自豪的“天人合一”,皇帝就是天子,代表天意。 This is the imperial edict was inside at the beginning of the emperor said: "The Mukden carriage, the emperor Chao Yue", and are proud of our claim, "Heaven and Man", the emperor is the Son of Heaven, on behalf of God. 一下又完全世俗化了。 What they are completely secularized. 但是皇帝的宝座又是怎样来的? But the emperor's throne is how come from? 刘邦及朱元璋是最杰出的代表。 Bang and the emperor is the most prominent representative. 当然还有许多没有成气候的“潜皇帝”。 Of course, many do not amount to anything "latent emperors." 让这些市井无赖来代表天意说话,岂能令人信服与安宁? These Ichii rogue to represent God to speak, how can we convince and tranquility? 所以,由此可见,中国缺乏真诚的信仰不是近几十年的事情,而是一个几千年来的文化。 Therefore, we can see that China is not a lack of genuine belief in what in recent decades, but a few thousand years of culture. 当然假道统也是有过的,但是,只要看看鲁迅先生所写的《魏晋风度及文章与药及酒之关系》里所说到的事,就不难理解,中国其实是不要指望以儒教作为宗教,以期取得宗教的效应的。 Of course, integration is also a false passage had, but need only look at written by Lu Xun, "Wei-Jin demeanor and the articles and the relationship between drugs and alcohol," Lane said, the matter is not difficult to understand, China is not expected to Confucianism As a religion, in order to achieve the effect of religion. 缺乏真诚宗教信仰的民族,不但容易把成功建立在与自己的同胞相比上,而且容易在这个过程中不择手段,心态也非常容易浮躁。 The lack of sincere religious people, not only easy to build a successful, compared with their compatriots, but also in the process easy for unscrupulous, impetuous attitude is also very easy. 更为重要的是,中国历代的统治者都容易有一种心态,就是自己得不到的,或者没有希望得到的,就宁愿毁灭它。 More importantly, China's ancient rulers are likely to have a state of mind, that is not their own, or do not want to get, would rather destroy it. 比如,项羽之烧阿房宫,再比如慈禧太后,在国破家亡的时候,她选择宁愿送给西洋人,也不给自己的奴才(宁赠友邦,不予家奴)。 For example, Xiang Yu's burning A Fanggong, and then such as the Empress Dowager Cixi, death seen their homes destroyed in the country, when she chose to give the Westerners would rather not give their slaves (Ning gifts allies, not slaves). 明末农民起义领袖,四川的张献忠这个杀人魔王,在得知李自成进京荣登皇帝宝座,自己不再可能做皇帝之后,就在四川大开杀戒,不纳粮的要杀,纳粮的也要杀,不投降的自然要杀,但投降的也要杀。 The late Ming peasant uprising leaders, Sichuan, Chang Hsien-chung in this killing devil, in that Li Zi Cheng to Beijing topped the throne, the emperor himself is no longer possible to do after the slaughter in Sichuan, not satisfied grain kill, kill is also satisfied that grain do not surrender natural to kill, but also kill surrender. 不但把四川人杀得几乎灭种,而且把几千年来中国的奴隶规则撕得粉碎。 Not only the Sichuanese twists almost genocide, but also to thousands of years of China's slave torn to pieces by the rules. 再比如,现代的某政治人物为了捍卫自己的至高无上的权威与地位,不惜死上数千万人,也要发动“文革”,他们这些人在自己的有生之年,其实已经意识到做出这样的事情来,将来必定是要被后人诟骂甚至鞭尸的。 Another example of a modern political figures in order to defend their supreme authority and status, at the death of tens of millions of people, but also launched the "Cultural Revolution", they are these people in their own lifetime, in fact, have realized that to make such a thing to in the future must be to be descendants of the Bianshi even acrimony. 如果这是一个虔诚的宗教信徒,他们会想着做这样的事情会有上帝照看着,而且会无法进入天堂。 If this is a devout religious believers, they would think of doing such a thing would be God's watching over, but will not enter Paradise. 即使死去,灵魂也不会得到安宁,因此,他们做这伤天害理的事情的时候,会有收敛,至少不会疯狂到:“我死之后,哪管洪水滔天”,“身后之事谁管得”。 Even dead, the soul would not be at peace, so they do this murderous things when there will be convergence, at least not crazy: "I die, after which tubes Deluge," "matter of who is behind the pipe too," . 这样可怕的思想与行为一直在影响着我们这个民族。 Such a horrible thought and behavior has been affecting our nation. 任何领域,做事都是不留后路的。 In any field, things are not burning our bridges. 比如做学问的人,按说最应该考虑的是自己的文字与思想能否流传下去,所以,抄袭与做假这是最忌讳的。 For example scholarship people, supposedly the most that should be considered on their own words and ideas can spread down, therefore, plagiarism and fraud This is the most taboo. 因为,后人如果一研究你的文字就会知道你当初做得多么不光彩。 Because later generations, if one studies the text you will know how much you had to do disgraceful. 但是,对于一个缺乏信仰的学者来说,这算什么呢? However, a lack of faith, academics, this is considered what? 只要现在能否弄个十几万,或者弄个教授、会长、院士之类的头衔戴戴,哪管得了身后事? As long as hundreds of thousands are now able to get hold of, or get hold of a professor, president, like the title of academician Dai Dai, Guan Dele behind what happened? 后人耻笑去吧,我在有生之年已经享受了我本来就不应该享受的,这就够了。 Descendants sneer go, I have enjoyed during their lifetime, I should not have enjoyed it enough. 所以,一个民族的学术浮躁因此而起。 Therefore, a nation can be attributed to the academic impetuous.

从一个国家的安静,这么一个小小的细节上,我们其实可以读出它的深层次的精神内核。 From the quiet of a country, such a small detail, we can read the depth of its spiritual core. 不要以为让一个浮躁的、嘈杂的国家变得安静是一件容易的事情。 Do not think for a rash, the country has become quiet and noisy it is easy to do. 中国如果能够在一百年之内变得安静,我以为,这已经是巨大的成就了,那时就说明中国人已经有了强大而充实的内心世界。 If China were to within a hundred years to become quiet, I thought, this is already a huge success, and then speaks for the Chinese people already have a strong and enriching the inner world. 对比日本,我们常常感觉的首先是日本人的经济远远比我们发达,科技远远比我们先进,甚至认为武器也可能会比我们厉害。 Contrast to Japan, we often feel the first is the Japanese economy is far advanced than us, technology is far advanced than us, or even that the weapons could also be worse than we are. 却没有想到他们的心灵也是比我们安宁的。 Did not think their hearts as compared to our peaceful. 也许一个民族的精神家园要远比那些外在的东西更为珍贵。 Perhaps a nation's spiritual home is far more precious to those external things. 中国与日本的差别,不是单个指标所能够说明的。 The difference between China and Japan, not the individual indicators can be specified. 而是一种综合性的东西在起作用。 But a comprehensive stuff at work. 这种综合性的东西,是一个整体,而且时时处处在以一种整体的力量出现。 This integrated thing, as a whole, but wherever and whenever the forces are experiencing a whole. 这种力量的教育作用是非常惊人的。 The educational role of this force is very striking. 它使你花很少的个人力气就可以获得非常惊人的效果。 It allows you to spend very little personal effort can get very amazing results. 比如认真工作的习惯与遵守公共规则与法律的意识,在日本并不是一件很难做到的事情。 Such as serious work habits and abide by the rules and the law of public awareness in Japan is not a very difficult to do. 只要从小生活在这样的环境里,你自然容易获得这样的品质。 As long as the grown up in such an environment, you naturally easy to obtain such quality. 有时这样的品质,人家一个清洁工或者汽车司机就会自然拥有的,而我们的一个大学教授与之相比还有遥远的差距。 Sometimes this quality, others a cleaner or a car driver would naturally have, but one of our university professors are distant compared to the gap. 比如敬业精神,比如那种平等意识,再比如那样心中有他人的潜意识。 Such as professionalism, such as the kind of consciousness of equality, and then there are others such as the subconscious mind. 我作点自我反省,我与那个为我们开了一个星期旅游车的司机及宾馆里的清洁工相比仍然有相当的差距的。 I made point of self-reflection, I am with that for us to open for a week coach driver and the cleaner in a hotel there is still a considerable gap. 而我自己认为自己作为一个中国人算是做得还可以的。 I myself think they do as a Chinese person be regarded as still acceptable. 一个国家的文明是取决于其国民的文明程度的。 Of civilization of a country depends on the degree of civilization of its nationals. 一个国家的安静,也是取决于其国民的安宁程度的。 The quiet of a country also depends on the extent of national peace. 我们嘈杂的噪音,许多时候来自精神的空虚与内心的烦躁。 We are noisy noise often comes from spiritual emptiness and inner restlessness. 因为我们害怕安静,这样更会暴露我们精神上的虚空。 Because we are afraid of quiet, this will expose our spiritual void. 也会暴露出我们思维能力上的欠缺。 We also exposed the lack of thinking ability. 同时,安静还会更强烈地迫使我们去面对一个十分残酷的现实。 Meanwhile, the quiet will be even more strongly force us to face a very harsh reality. 这时,我又想起了鲁迅先生所说的中国人习惯了几千年来的吃人文化及瞒与骗的生存方式。 At this time, I was reminded of what Mr. Lu Xun, the Chinese used thousands of years man-eating culture and hiding and cheating ways of surviving. 如果再加上嘈杂的噪音及浮躁的风气,基本上就可以把这些因素联系起作出一个判断:这是一种精神文化上的缺陷,它已经形成了一个恶性循环。 If we add the noise and impulsive noisy atmosphere, basically you can link these factors to make a play to judge: This is a spiritual and cultural shortcomings, it has created a vicious circle.

我常想,我们一谈到日本,谈到他们的先进与发达,我们就会想到“师夷之长技以制夷”,就会想到先向日本学习,然后发达了再来报仇。 I often think, as we talked about Japan, when it comes to their advanced and developed, we will think of the "barbarians long division skills in order to stop the barbarians," they will think of first Japanese to learn, and then developed a vengeance again. 我想其实这仍然是一种典型的中国式的思维。 In fact, I think this is still a typical Chinese-style thinking. 我不是把别的国家想像得太好,但是,我以为正如人与人之间的关系一样,国与国的关系也是一样的,这就是要首先想到平等相待。 I do not think of other countries were very good, but I think that as the relationship between people as relations between countries are the same, which is to first think of equal treatment. 即使富强了,发达了,也仍然要想到平等相待。 Even if the rich and powerful, and well developed, still have to think about equality. 当然要想得到别人的平等相待,首先要有相当的实力。 Of course, others want to get equal treatment, first of all have a considerable strength. 学习的对象要选择最优秀的,但是,与人相处却要有安静、平等的心态。 Learning objects to choose the best, but it should be quiet and get along with others, equality of mind. 至少,我在日本体会到就是这样的。 At least, I was in Japan feel that way. 现在日本人自然不会也无需要向中国人学习,但是,作为一个中国的旅游者,感受到日本人却没有因为日本比中国人富裕与发达而表露出歧视的态度,相反他们对任何人都是十分礼貌、热情与周到的。 Now the Japanese do not naturally need not to learn from the Chinese people, but as a Chinese tourists, the Japanese did not feel that because the Japanese than the Chinese people of wealth and well-developed and revealed the discriminatory attitude, on the contrary they are to any person is very polite, warm and thoughtful. 这样的一个民族反而是令人感觉可敬可畏的。 Such a feeling of respectable people but is really formidable.

一个人内心强大,才是真正的强大,一个内心强大的人,外表是宁静的、坦然而自信的,外在的嘈杂其实是内心浮躁的表现。 A person's heart strong, real strong, a strong inner person, appearance is a quiet, calm and confident, and external noise is impulsive heart performance. 没有内心和谐与宁静,就不可能会有外面世界的和谐与宁静。 There is no inner harmony and tranquility, we can not have the outside world harmony and tranquility. 一个内心真正强大的人,并不需要靠嘈杂的声音向外界虚张声势,以显示自己的存在。 A heart truly powerful people who do not need to rely on the voices of noisy bravado to the outside world to show their existence.

2007年5月22日 May 22, 2007
Why China is difficult to become a quiet country?凤凰网 Why China is difficult to become a quiet country? 凤凰网

XU Xi-liang
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