美 has a secret link with beautiful 乱七八糟已删除,还有一点留下来。(打某学科用词的常见形式)
ps: 美在差異,不混同平庸,美在新奇,不陳舊晦暗,美在清雅,不污濁膩煩,美在引人入勝,不流入凡俗,美在含蓄,不一覽無餘,美在連繫,不支離破碎,
beauty lies in the difference, do not mix with the mediocre, beauty...in the new, not the old and dull, beauty ...in graceful, not dirty or boring, in the fascinating, does not flow into the mundane, beauty ...in subtle and not the common, ... in the unification, not fragmental...
岌危[perilous]如珍珠, 憾事珍珠港
“綦”:“其”鞋加“丝”,入儀為重. 顯示 vs. 面紗
林妹葬花去, 林沖夜奔來 beauty beast--panthers return to Taihang, symbolized my return to Taihang
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2010-01-16 重归不似之似 Does not seem like the reintegration ――关于中国水墨人物画的造型、色彩和形式构成问题 - About China ink figure painting shape, color and form of a problem 冯 远 Feng Yuan 2007年07月01日: 人民网 , or some sort of satisfaction, or subjected to some kind of stimulus. 人的视觉运动又不是循序渐进式的观察活动,而是有选择的跳跃式行为,视觉注意力从对某甲物到某乙物的转移、跳跃的经验,即是视觉的节奏。 Human visual motion are not a step-observation activities, but a jump of choice behavior, visual attention objects from the person A to person B is the transfer of objects, jumping experience, that is, the visual rhythm. 当视觉节奏的目标移动至具体某物,并且进而细加审视时,便形成了视觉的重心点。 When the visual target move to the rhythm of a specific thing, and then careful examination, they form a visual focus point. 对于绘画来说,视觉的重心点无疑是作品最为核心和精妙的部分,也是作品最具吸引力和感染力的部分。 For the painting, the visual center of gravity point is undoubtedly the work of the most sophisticated part of the core and also the works of some of the most attractive and appealing. 在通常情况下,艺术家是根据形式的一般规律进行艺术创造,当然,也有少数画家别裁巧构。 Under normal circumstances, the artist is based on the general law of the form of artistic creation, of course, there are a few artists do not cut clever structure. 但是不管艺术家以奇制胜,还是稳中求变,以多少见长,他们都不能打破形式对比关系中的均衡、和谐,并且必须在审美知觉反馈中获得相应一致的共感。 But no matter the artist surprising victory, or steady change to the number of known for, they can not break the balance of relations in the form of contrast, harmony, and must receive feedback from the aesthetic perception corresponded to a total sense. 只有在此时,形式构成的审美意义才得以显现,形式构成的全部才告完成。 Only in this case, constitute a form of aesthetic significance was able to appear, form constitute the entire complete. 那些新颖奇妙的作品意蕴都是经这一个程序显现出来的:即画面的形式构成本身并不具有特定的含义,而只具有和谐的抽象组合因素,通过意象造型的象征、隐喻传达出来。 Implications of these new works are wonderful a program through which emerged: that the screen in the form of composition in itself does not have a specific meaning, but only an abstract with a harmonious combination of factors that shape, through images, symbols, metaphors to convey them. 但是这种不具任何特定含义的线条、几何形状及色调,在观赏者眼中,都可能会引起一连串富有特别意义的联想。 But this does not have any specific meaning of the lines, geometric shapes and colors, in the eyes of the viewer, are likely to give rise to a series of special meanings associations. 画家的每一选择都可能被认为代表了一种特定的感受、一种特定的解释、一种特定的情调,代表着画家独一无二的创作心态。然而事实却可能都是,也可能都不是,画家的任务不是单纯地复现事物全貌,艺术作品的形式构成也无需复现世界的自然面貌。画家的任务在于突出事物最为本质、最为直接的形与色以及它的个性特征。由此而创造的鲜明形象将把观赏者的注意力引向生活中寻常或不寻常的某些事物,使观赏者能够玩味现实与艺术之间的巧妙关系,以及经过特别处理后造成的强烈效果,在想像中得到最大的参与和发挥,并循着各自的文化素养和思维去破译作品的含义。 现代生理学和心理学研究的结果还表明,平面有序的抽象形式构成能够引起人们的心理、生理反应。一点、一线、一形、一色的方正圆弧,长短疾徐、冷暖强弱都会引起有关快乐或抑郁的联想。因而,那些不具备特定含义的形式构成,都披罩上了一层情感的意象色彩。绘画中的抽象形式似乎隐藏在一切绘画形式的背后,即使是那些优秀的作品,也无不将具象的外形式与抽象的内形式巧妙地加以融合。只是有些较为直露,有些则含蓄隐晦罢了。 当然,艺术作品的形式构成又不是任意的。它毕意还不是一种由单纯的形状、点、线、色彩组成的任意形式,而画家某种观念、情绪以及个人审美趣味准确评价的最佳方式。同样,作品所选择的题材内容也不是任意和无足轻重的,它在作品与形式构成中相互依赖和配合,从而为主题提供了一个具体的视觉样式。当代艺术家对于形式构成的自觉探求,正是出于对绘画本质的把握。中国的人物画家只有在真正把握了形式构成的语言之后,才能使中国的绘画艺术更具有艺术冲击力和艺术竞争力。 ------------------------------------------------ The western artists had better to focus on somewhere else so won't let people from other hemisphere to take the lead on it. |