
Scientists crack beauty "golden ratio" Password: 3646 (Figure)

(2009-12-19 12:21:34) 下一个
Scientists crack beauty golden ratio Password: 3646 (Figure) Guangzhou Daily

东方美女的“黄金比例”也是3646吗? Oriental beauty of the golden ratio is also a 3646 do?   (模特Yaly) (Model Yaly)

美貌不仅是“情人眼里出西施”,还跟眼睛与嘴的位置有关。 Beauty is not only a lover\'s eyes out of beauty, even went to the location of the eyes and mouth. 美国加州大学和加拿大多伦多大学的心理学研究发现,女人两只眼睛之间的距离,以及从眼睛到嘴的距离,直接决定了她的吸引力。 The University of California, and psychology at the University of Toronto study found that women distance between the two eyes, as well as the distance from the eye to the mouth, directly determines the attractiveness of her.

心理学家试图探索完美脸庞的五官究竟是怎样配置的,终于成功确定了美女们两眼之间、嘴和脸边缘的最佳距离。 Psychologists attempt to explore the facial features of a perfect face, what is the configuration, and finally succeeded in their two beautiful established between the mouth and face the best distance from the edge. 他们分别做了4个实验,让大学生逐对比较具有不同眼—眼和眼—嘴距离的女性面部照片,看看那张更吸引人。 They have done a four experiments, so that by the comparison of university students with different eyes - eyes and eye - mouth distance from the female facial photographs, take a look at more attractive goes on. 结果得出了两个“黄金比例”,一个是长度,一个是宽度:当眼睛与嘴的垂直距离约占脸长的36%,两眼之间的水平距离约占面部宽度的46%时,女性的脸最迷人。 The results obtained two golden ratio, one is the length, one is the width: When the vertical distance between the eyes and the mouth about 36% of the face a long, horizontal distance between the eyes about 46% of the width of the face, the most charming woman\'s face. 有趣的是,这些比例正好是人群脸容数据的平均值。 Interestingly, these ratios are exactly the average of the data population Lianrong.

加州大学圣迭哥分校的博士后帕米娜·帕列特说:“人类从古代就开始寻找黄金比例,但都没有成功:古希腊人认为他们找到了黄金比例\'Φ\',并应用在建筑与艺术上,更有甚者认为达·芬奇在画《蒙娜丽莎》的时候运用了\'Φ\'。然而,从来没有任何证据说明这个\'Φ\'有任何特别之处,原来它不是真的。我们相信,真正的黄金比例就是人们眼、嘴和面部轮廓之间距离的平均值。”多伦多大学教授李康(音译)说:“我们早就知道不同的面部特征让女性产生魅力,例如大大的眼睛和厚厚的嘴唇,而我们的发现也解释了为什么一些很有魅力的人在改变发型之后会丧失吸引力,反过来一些不漂亮的人也会在改变发型后变得吸引人,原因就是发型影响着面部的比例。” University of California, San Diego post-doctoral Paminapa Garrett said: From ancient times human beings begin to look golden ratio, but all without success: the ancient Greeks think they found a golden ratio \'Φ\', and applied in the construction and art, and some even believed that da Vinci painting Mona Lisa when the use of \'Φ\'. however, has never been any evidence that this \'Φ\' Are there any special about the original it is not true . We believe that the real proportion of gold is that people eyes, mouth and facial contour the average distance between. Kang University of Toronto (phonetic) said: We already know that different facial features so that women are generally attractive, such as greatly the eyes and thick lips, and our findings also explain why some very attractive people to change the hairstyle will then have lost their attractiveness, in turn, a number of non-beautiful people will become attractive after changing the hairstyle, the reasons for is the proportion of facial hair affects.

研究者们提出,对美貌的感知是“认知平均化”的结果,即:人们在心理上把所有他们看到的容貌取了平均,得到最理想的宽度比例和长度比例。 The researchers suggested that the perception of beauty is a cognitive averaging result, namely: people psychologically all they see face to take the average, have the most desirable ratio of the width and length ratio. 平均化的面容,例如对称,往往是健康的象征,意味着生物学进化可能是平均化面容惹人喜爱的“幕后推手”——喜欢美人,等于选择健康的基因,有利于后代的繁衍。 Average of the face, such as symmetry, is often a symbol of health, means that biological evolution may be averaged an endearing face behind the scenes pushing hand - like beauty, is to opt for healthy genes will help future generations of reproduction.

学者们同时声明,他们只是研究了白人女性,还需要更多的研究来确认不同性别、种族和年龄是否有不同的黄金比例。 Scholars have also stated that they only studied white women, more research is needed to confirm the different gender, race and age, whether there are different golden ratio. (记者伍君仪编译报道) (Xinhua Wu Jun Yi compilation report)

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