It occures neither 勃事前, Nor 勃事后, It comes from a 博士后, and might produse a baby, (Guess names of a two Chinese cities)
8.馬駒出頭, 搖身一變 (name1)(答案:岸英) 祝賀第44屆美國總統
9. 謎語:方向無o 成 huo4 (災害)根 | 2008-12-19 11:39:11 |  |
| (猜2英文單詞和1 領導人名第一個字母)
10.Riddle: Fang xiang4 (direction) wu O (without o)Cheng (become) huo4 (disaster)geng (root) (Guess 2 english words and an initial of a lastname of a leader. 11.Riddle: Looking for a job in a restaurant, Professor #2 2008-12-13 09:40:27 stooped to less. (4x Chinese idiom) Chan guan3 (restaurant) xun2 gong,(look for job) Jiao4 shou4(professor)jiu4 di(takes a lower position) (cheng2 yu3, 4 words)
金碗盛酒目視庸才為飯桶 叮当鳴響腰纏萬貫笑大腕 A Golden bowl holds wine looking down mediocrity Jingle ringing with gold laughing sordid merchants
Location,Location,Location,->lock,lock, lock | 2009-01-10 09:09:33 |  |
| 10 thousands zhixun, not equal to one zhi sun (stop loss).
這首詩是一個藥,不久前當我bei一些邪惡的人persecuted...我走,並背誦它,分析它的“澤”和“平” 。我發現ta們正處於一個完美的平衡,鼓勵我進行反擊。事實證明,我zhuo了一個正確的決定,由這首詩幾乎蘇軾1000年前。
不作應?長作營?長 皆因言虛行方強 大官頭冒兩把火 不是嘴上亮刀光 answer vs. operate
| 2008-12-02 16:05:28 |  |
| 2008-11-24 18:22:52 |  |
星星自我欣赏. 月亮旋轉, 繞地球和太陽. 唉,一個长不大的人, 那麼孤獨,甚至有些明星, 也是那麼一個小小的星. 而勤勞的母親则相反, 美麗光明象月亮。 |
| 2008-10-04 20:32:40 |  |
| 经史子集, Wen shi ze, (literature, history, philosophy) Lun shi fa (theory, history, method), An example of an induction: a patern--the subject of history is usually at the second, is disclosed by me from a mere word game with the name of Beijing #2. furthermore, I have an explanation to it but saved to the future. Next, an adoption from a works by a man you know who: First, take the study of current conditions. ... To behave like "a blindfolded man catching sparrows", or "a blind man groping for fish", to be crude and careless, to indulge in verbiage, to rest content with a smattering of knowledge--such is the extremely bad style of work that still exists among many people. Second, take the study of history.Third, take the study of basic theory. Many seem to study not to meet the needs of practice, but purely for the sake of study. Consequently, though they read, they cannot digest. They can only cite odd quotations in a one-sided manner, but are unable to apply the stand, viewpoint and method of learning to the concrete study.... ------------------------------------------- |
5.* It does not look like a bull, but it's sound does, because ithas no homonym (answer:能 néng (象形。金文作字形象熊形。本义:熊)
赞一个,总结得好! | |  |  | 来源: 北京二号 于 08-09-15 |