
A Book on artist Sargent 藝術家薩金特

(2008-08-30 20:52:14) 下一个
A future book on technical analysis about John Singer Sargent's works by me will be, probably, the first book of this catagory.

解碼  這是不可能的解碼所有的秘密,一個藝術作品,但也有一些機密容易被探測,但沒有披露。

Decode    It is not possible to decode all the secrets of an art work, although some secrets are easier to be probed, but have not been disclosed.
Now, look at those paintings you are so familiar with, were written, lectured, or explained as the "final secret". A question still remain:

Is there an undisclosed design code (pattern), plays an important role in whole or in detail, for all these following, and many more master works?

你可能永遠不知道薩金特的“代碼” ,但可能會發現他在他的財富週期。這樣,你可以說,這些Sargent學者不是不受監督。
Sargent's periodicity
You may never know Sargent's "code", but may find out his periodicity in his fortune. By doing so you can say that those Sargent scholars are not free from oversight.

Matthew 7:8
For everyone who keeps on asking receives; and he who keeps on seeking finds; and to him who keeps on knocking, [the door] will be opened.

*黃金與天然氣水合物  “薩金特”的諧音是“砂金”中文。

Gold vs. natural gas hydrate   By homonym, the word "Sargent" is "alluvial gold " in Chinese.
I liken Van Gogh to "combustible ice"--a kind of natural gas hydrate:It is formed by natural gas and water in conditions of high pressure and low temperature. It looks like ice and can be lit up like solid ethanol, hence the name "combustible ice".
* “阿舍爾.威特海默夫人”和漸

卦53名為漸, “滲透” 。其他變化包括: “發展(循序漸進)"和“進步” 。其內在是☶ (艮根)約束= (山)山區,其外層是☴巽(巽勳)地面=(風)風。

" Mrs. Asher B. Wertheimer" and 漸

Viewing Sargent's Mrs. Asher B. Wertheimer , one can relates its handling of value, notably, from her right hand to left hand, to I-Ching's Hexagram 漸.
Hexagram 53 is named 漸 (jiàn), "Infiltrating". Other variations include "development (gradual progress)" and "advancement". Its inner trigram is ☶ (艮 gèn) bound = (山) mountain, and its outer trigram is ☴ (巽 xùn) ground = (風) wind.

* Did Sargent make a mouth wrong?

Although John Singer Sargent is a great artist and my favorite, I have a question about one of his masterpieces, "Portrait of Daughters of Mrs. and Mr. Asher Wertheimer"-- The mouth of the lady on the left looks awry. Can anyone help me on this issue?


Steven.S. reply:
It seems more bemused, or "wry," than "awry" to me. Because I see the same quality in the sister's mouth, I'm happy to assume that it's a family trait. And it seems to me that capturing it has lent "personality" to the portrait. It's difficult to look at these expressions and not wonder what these women are thinking.

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