
Golf 要点

(2008-08-16 19:22:54) 下一个
Stack and Tilt
1. Keep the weight and head on top of the ball during back swing
2. Club head and hand is in plane
3. Tug arm (no chickern wing)
4. Start down swing and move hip forward(shift hip on top of left leg) and head slightly back, like a swing a heavy metal bar.
5. Knee and right foot push to reduce the angle of impact of iron.
6. After impact, contine rotate the wriste; the right handback shoud on top after, it is key for distance
7. Keep the head slight behind the ball, but hip center is in front of the ball
8. Don't forget eye on the ball

To draw: stack a bit toward the target, this is to ensure the more inside out path.
To draw more: move right foot 1/3 foot back

To fade: stack a bit backside of the ball
To fade more: move right foot 1/3 foot up.

May work for some golfer on driver:转体要到位(腰部和肩部), 这样做的目的是要保持从里到外的杆轨迹,转体时重心不能移过腿内侧,腕和臂要达到90度;回抡杆时要感觉杆头,否则容易右偏,跨部移到左腿,击球时头要保持在球的后面,击球后右手背要朝上(距离远的要点)。

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