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译者: stardust 原作者:Jane Smith

Vermeer's Girl With a Pearl Earring


A Quick Glance at Vermeer's Masterpiece


Jan 6, 2010 Jane Smith


2010年1月6日 简·史密斯

The Girl With a Pearl Earring is considered as one of Johannes Vermeer's masterpiece and as a major painting of the 17th century.



 Unravelling the mysteries of Vermeer's Girl With a Pearl Earring is still, a hundred and twenty seven years after the painting was randomly discovered, the goal of many experts. This article will not address the outstanding questions these experts are battling with: it would take more than an article. Instead, it will focus on how to look at this masterwork.


The Girl With a Pearl Earring depicts a young wide-eyed girl wearing an exotic turban, who seems to be about to tell something, opening her mouth as she looks over her shoulder, as if the viewer had interrupted her.


Thanks to Vermeer's extraordinary capacity to use light reflection, the young girl seems alive and drawing us into the picture, interrogating us with her eyes, outlining the immediacy of her presence. This immediacy and this presence are probably what make this painting timeless, immune to time or space. They are reinforced by the dark background, drawing the focus on her face as there is nowhere and nothing else to look at.


The Young Girl



It is not known who she is and speculations have abound. But does it really matter who she is? The ovale of her face, her youth, the delicacy of her skin and interrogative eyes convey a purity and an innocence that make her a representation of a timeless beauty.


The Light in The Painting



The work on light in this painting is remarkable and is an area Vermeer genuinely excelled at. The subtle balance of light and shadow enhances the portrait through fine touches of light you can mainly find in:


•the turban: it is enlivened by small highlights (Vermeer's trademark), mainly on the yellow part crossing over her head and at the bottom of the turban, behind her shoulders,


•the face: her eyes look watery, a bit "liquid" and the two white dots painted on them, echoing the two small white dots painted on each side of her mouth, enliven and enlighten greatly the face of the girl, emphasizing the luminosity of her skin,


•the collar and the pearl: the collar comes as one big white brushstroke in the middle of the painting, breaking the darkness of the background. It reflects its light onto the pearl which in turn reflects its light onto the girl's jaw in a very discrete way.


There is a lot more to say about the painting regarding its genesis, its interpretation, the techniques Vermeer used and its place in his work. But best of all is still to go and see it if you have the opportunity. It is on display in the Mauritshuis museum in The Hague (The Netherlands).



The Girl With a Pearl Earring inspired an eponymous novel by Tracy Chevalier who imagined her life as Griet, Vermeer's maid. The book, which was a global hit, inspired a movie starring Scarlett Johansson and Colin Firth, released in 2003.



  维米尔这位在逝世以后被湮没达两个世纪的绘画大师, 是十七世纪荷兰绘画的第三个重要代表。 荷兰在十七世纪是欧洲经济繁荣的强国,文化艺术相当发达,产生了哈尔斯、伦勃朗,在欧洲艺术史上占有特殊的地位。   

维米尔是继哈尔斯、伦勃朗之后独树一帜于十七世纪中期的大家。正值荷兰的文化艺术逐渐丧失其民主传统的时候、 荷兰的德尔夫特市成为先进的艺术中心,而约翰尼斯 • 维美尔 (1632-- 1675)就出生在这个城市并终其一生于此。然而这位伟大的画家在生前虽曾为人所知却一贫如洗,负债累累,正当年少力强之时,却又溘然长逝,只活了43 岁。死后又被人遗忘,直到十九世纪中期才被艺术评论家们重新发现,从此名声日隆,给了他以应有的地位。他被称为“沉睡了两个世纪的司芬克斯”,是“谜一样的画家”。他的生平也逐渐为人探索考证,始得知其概观。   



他对画面非常讲究,不论是画面构图、人物比例、光影变化都精致得跟照片一样逼真。以致有评论家认为这不是艺术,但在荷兰的黄金时代,人们并没有把绘画当成一种艺术,而只是一种手工艺,一种谋生既能而已。他的画作通常要花很长时间,基本上都需要两三年的时间才能完成一幅作品,但每一幅都堪称精品。 约翰内斯·维米尔,是荷兰17世纪中期杰出的风俗画家和代尔夫特风俗画派的代表人物。   

他刻画织物精湛技艺使无数画家叹为观止,对光线与色彩的应用更是这样直入画境.他的作品,往往是在平凡中现出悠远的寓意和深刻的哲理,既通俗朴实,又神秘莫测。他的作品中流露着和煦与宁静,那细小而精湛的笔触足以让他在自己的时代汇聚成耀眼的光芒。   维米尔留下的风景画非常少,但是每一幅画都非常精致,为人熟知的有《代尔夫特的风景》、《小巷》等。在《小巷》一画中,整个画面完全把时间凝固了,无论是在巷中洗衣的女人、坐在门前缝补的妇女,还是在路边游戏的小孩,她们原本正进行的动作,在维米尔的画笔下,完全停滞下来。在这幅画前,我们的心灵得以沉淀,发出清淡的忧伤,我们在其中感受到身旁的时间正悄然地划过脚趾。   



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