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My Journal (Months 15 and 16)

(2006-07-10 20:11:56) 下一个

Austin Chutian's 15th and 16th months

April 13, Thursday
Morning: class in the Library (the last one in the series).  Afternoon: Twin Brooks Park.

April 14, Friday 
Uncle Sambit and Aunt Amita invited us and many others to celebrate their daughter Shyama's birth.  It was a great party and great fun.  I met many people from dad’s company, too many to remember.

April 15, Saturday
We went to Beardsley Zoo with our neighbor Aunt Barbara's family.  Aunt Barbara is such a kind and brave person.  She has been diagnosed having cancer but she still helps us whenever we need.  After the zoo tour, they led us to a boat dock called Captain's Cove.

April 16, Sunday
Mom took me to walk around our neighborhood.  We just realized we don't have to drive away to  have outdoor fun.  I met Galla who is one month younger than me, and her parents.

April 20, Thursday
I went to Silver Sands Park on the beach with mom.  We have fallen in love with this place.  With the warm spring sunshine, it's no longer too cold to stay on the beach.

April 28, Friday 
It's a very sad day.  Mom's grand-pa passed away.

April 30, Sunday 
We went to Cheshire to see some houses.  My godparents Shan and Sherry went with us.  We had lunch in a Chinese restaurant called ShangriLee, and a big discount bookstore where I got books.

May 1, Monday
I figured out how to turn off and on my dad's computer.

May 5, Friday
Guess where we went yesterday and today?  Silver Sands, of course!

May 9, Tuesday
I am now 15 months. I recognize all the basic shapes.

May 10, Wednesday 
My 15 months checkup in Pedi Care.  I am 29 lb 6 oz and they say I'm a big boy.

May 12, Friday
Dad enjoyed the 2nd birthday party of his online poem forum and showed off my photo.  Poet Jiazhai wrote a poem for me!

May 13, Saturday
We celebrated Mother's day in advance by having dim-sum in a restraurant in Flushing. I got passport photo taken.

May 22, Monday
I started running nose again.

May 28, Sunday
I had another haircut. I am now bald.

May 29, Monday
Today is US Memorial Day. We invited Aunt Barbara's family to come for dinner.  I played with Lauren.

May 30, Tuesday
I swam today.

June 3, Saturday
I managed to climb up on sofa.

June 10, Saturday
We met with my godparetns Shan and Sherry, Uncle Doug, Aunt Linda and Alex. We saw a house in Woodbridge and we had lunch in a place called Ivy Noodle.

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