

欧洲热爱中华文明高知幕名特邀世界著名艺术家吴晓科先生出席婚礼赠墨宝!2008-08-06 19:42Dear mr. Alex

(2008-08-06 04:48:57) 下一个
2008-08-06 19:42

Dear mr. Alex Wu,

With reference to the wedding of my brother on Saturday 20 September 2008 I have contacted you by phone several times.

We have agreed that, during the reception of the wedding, you will draw a saying in “Dongba-writing” for the bridal couple. My intention is that the painting itself should take around fifteen minutes. You will bring along all the necessary material for the painting. The remuneration for the painting will be a price of 200,- in total. Furthermore, I will pay your (return) train ticket (second class) from Diemen to Hilversum Central Station and the costs for a (return) taxi to drive you from Hilversum Central Station to the location (Landgoed Eikenrode) in Loosdrecht. You will arrange the taxi to drive you to Landgoed Eikenrode yourself. If you hand me the receipts of the train- and taxicosts I will pay you, together with the amount of 200,-, on 20 September 2008 instantly.

Herewith I send you a digital copy of the invitation of the wedding. You will see that in the invitation a Dongba-saying (“The wish for a long and happy marriage”) is included already. Therefore I would like you to paint a different saying on 20 September 2008. I don´t know anything about sayings in Dongba-writing, but I can imagine you will paint a saying such as the wish for a beautiful day, a beautiful honeymoon and a beautiful life. Should you have any thoughts about the saying you will paint during the day, please let me know in advance.

The reception of the wedding on Saturday 20 September 2008 will start at 15.00 hours. I suggest that you will start painting around 15.30 hours. I will inform the staff at the location, Landgoed Eikenrode, about your arrival. If you arrive you can inform one of the staff members. They will then inform me.

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