

Eu.Dr.Alex Wu\'s. thought 自然医学哲学思想是人类的才富

(2008-06-27 01:53:26) 下一个

A Teaching by Alex Wu on taperecorder

A good doctor develops himself physical and spiritually,
what are spirits/ is spiritual energy,
the story of Hua To and the yellow emperor,
curing with water,
emotions are causes of sickness
the herbs work for 40% the doctor’s energy for 60%

A good doctor
How to become a good doctor.
A good doctor must develop himself, also life behaviour, also the medical experience,?? spiritual development. You must know 100% sure what you are doing.? Also you energy and immune system must be much more higher, then you can help your patient.
If your spiritual energy, the immune system gets higher then inside is more peace, then you can help.
You must know what you do with the different herbs and how much energy you can give.
It is not only the herbal, also the spiritual energy that cures.
You must know the causes of a problem, different causes give a different recipe.
If there is a problem with the family you advise how to solve. Otherwise the patient does not recover.

I have a few patients, they are yoga, reiki masters, qi gong teachers, tai chi teachers, they are very greedy.
They want more and more. They practise every day. They practice by books. No teacher guides them. They even don’t? know how to teach.They get side- effects. If a good doctor will recover this kind of people you guide them, so that the bad thoughts are cleaned and the behaviour has changed. Otherwise they get worse and worse. As a good doctor you not only care for the physical part, but also for the spiritual and energy problem. Also life behaviour gives a lot of problems. You have to know the patients life experience, thoughts, life style, spiritual life
Greediness gives in the West a lot of problems. You have to teach them not to be so g reedy, to behave good. As a good doctor you use your own spirit to influence your students .
But in Holland people want more and more money. They think that money is more important than life. They prefer to die instead of giving money for the treatment. You cannot force them.
If they want to go you must let them go.
As a good doctor you have to hold up your own energy, then can give energy, love and a good spirit to help the patients. A lot of people are related with spiritual problems, life style
Problems have also to do with the food and with sleep behaviour. Even for the sleep you have to ask. As a good doctor you are not only a physical doctor, but you are more than a psychologist. It must be a good combination and good knowledge too. Sometimes patients come to me and ask if they must believe me.
Even if patients don’t believe me, it works. The combination of herbal medicine and energy works. I treat now side effects students, I tell them that they are greedy. When they at first don’t accept, they accept step by step my philosophy. My way of doing is different from a lot of people.
As a Reiki master, massagist you have to be careful, you must know how much energy you have. If you only have a little bit and you give more, then you can die for it. If you give to much you become empty and the blood comes out of the body (teeth, nose, mouth, lower parts)
I experienced that myself when I was young, I gave everything to the patients, gave too much and got sick .So I have also side effect experience. I also know that greediness can give physical problems, spiritual problems, you can die for it. As a good doctor you must also know the disease process. For example when the liver is infected, has a blockade, I feel it and then I tell them.
In winter with flu, I feel the bacteria are already on the surface. Then I advice to take herbal medicine. When they take no herbal medicine, the bacteria go to the lung.
Patients must experience that.

Spiritual energy
Western people don’t like to talk about spiritual life because they don’t know about spirits, they get scared, think you are strange think it is the devil. That is not right,? spirits are very important for the body, we live on spiritual energy. Why in Western society a lot of people commit suicide? Because they don’t have spiritual life, they don’t have spiritual support. So they live alone and feel that life is nor of value any more
I always feel the bad spirits. When a patient comes I must tell them not only to clean the physical problem, but also clean the spirits and change life behaviour. Otherwise I cannot recover them. That is very important for the doctor.
Like a Chinese lady, she started a lot of activities like shiatsu, she learned a lot but got very sick, because she only learned the theory, but she never knew the spiritual bad influence. I wanted to recover her because she had bad spirits, she could not get rest, because the bad spirits made the liver to produce wrong blood, so she could not sit down, got hyperventilation, the thyroid gland swollen
I was seventeen when I treated a girl, she had the same problem, thyroid gland swollen, no rest, always eating and also emotional. That is why you have to clean her emotions, and give herbal medicine to clean the liver and also some water herbal medicine to cool the blood, cool the liver and kidney. Then she got more water in the liver, the sprits got better, her behaviour was better-not in a hurry- and so she recovered. Of course if she listened to me she recovered, if she didn’t listen she would not recover, that is her choice. Do she did tai chi, qi gong but you can say that if the spirits are not clean, the life behaviour and emotions are not clean, she never could recover. As a good doctor you really should understand what is going on. I think prevention is first important, then you can save the doctors enery, the doctors spirits. You can save the patients pain, the patient ‘s money. In Europe people think I am not sick, the doctor Alex Wu makes money so he tells me I am sick. In our Chinese medical history Hua To did the same like I do, he could feel before the diseases came. So one story

The yellow emperor
There is a story about the yellow emperor. His famous doctor Hua To saw a problem on the surface of the body and would offer herbs. The emperor thought: I am very ok, I am never sick, I never feel bad. He kicked Hua To out. The second time he said: now the problem is in the middle, the disease goes into the body now and has already interrupted the organs. In the brain is a tumour. He told him I can help you now, you should quickly take some treatment but the emperor got very angry and kicked him out. He wanted not to see him again. Then after one month the emperor got extremely sick .
Then he felt regret and thought I should listen to Hua To He send people to look for Hua To, but Hua To knew his problem could not recover, he did not come. Then the emperor died. This happened in Chinese medical history.
Hua To was a good doctor, the best doctor in Chinese medical history. That is why I do the same, I use herbs and also qi gong. I tell when I feel their problems.

I feel their problems
A lot of people are scared for me, because they come and I can see their spirits, I know which type of person it is (tricky, open honest, good heart, bad heart basis).
I said to a patient that his stomach and intestines were sick.
I have a good heart. Then he got angry very. He was too busy in the mind and had no energy for stomach and intestines. It was a big blockade. He felt he had no pricacy any more. But my purpose is to tell to be careful. He wanted to hide his sick points, but he cannot hide in front of me. A good doctor and a normal doctor makes a difference
Even when people have many clothes, they cannot hide, I can see what kind of person they are, if they have a good heart basis, if they are bad. Bur for me I must continue for it is my karma is to help people, to be a good doctor
Life environment
As a good doctor you have to support your students.
I once supported a patient with family problems. Her family wanted to get her out of the house and then she got depressed. She did not tell me, but I saw it, I went to her place and saved her life.
Another patient has problems with an official. He wants to use his power to kill him, for he is over sixty and is mentally and physically not so strong. A lot of time I used a strong way to teach him qi gong, I talked a lot with him, told him to encourage his lawyer.
I give not only physical support, but also spiritual and for the life style. As a good doctor you have to give yourself to the patient

Transfer of a disease
Most difficult for me is to sacrifice, to take the bacteria from the patients in your body. That is why you use your own energy good immune system, to swallow the patients blocks and bacteria .I think not so many doctors know that people can transfer not only bacteria but also blockades, the cancer, the good and bad spirits and emotions. When there is connection you transfer also over a distance, and over the telephone. Not so many doctors know. I have a very good example.
People don’t realize, but animals know. They always use their sensitivity to recognize the different energies. Our study, education destroyed that system. Not so many can recognise that people with people can transfer bad , good spirits, bad and good energy, blockades, cancer. Even if you don’t touch.
Also the blockades by cancer can transfer to another person.
I know an example of someone, her mother got cancer, she was very involved and got it herself. I think not so many doctors know
This is real science, my experience.
Also as a good doctor you follow the disease, follow the process, the energy system because in our system we think
Energy is always on the move: when the liver problem is solved, then comes a sleep problem, then you give other herbs. That is why we follow the disease process.
The disease process of flu.
Flu is first in the skin, the bacteria fight with the immune system. Good energy fights with bad energy, then you get fever. When you are strong the bacteria go out. When you are not so strong the bacteria go into the body. To the lung, then you start coughing
When the people come and the disease is on the surface, you give herbs to make the patient sweat to kick the bacteria out. If the patient has flu for a long time, one or two weeks,
your stomach is destroyed, you cannot eat.
You have to give herbs, one side to kick the bacteria out, the other side you must thing about the lung, that causes a dry coughing and phlegm then you have to be very careful
I give herbs, for stomach and lungs. If the coughing is for a long time, like five years, then you must know that also kidney and liver become destroyed. Then I give kidney herbals, liver herbs and also for the lung.
In summer and winter I give different herbs. You have to follow the seasons, in autumn I give different herbs, in spring I give different herbs .Even every week the diseases have their own process. The energy is always moving. We treat people not like the Western medicine with aspirine, that everybody can use
Even every time I give different herbs
A patient of me mostly gets flu from his colleges, but sometimes if he works too hard also his liver and the kidney are influenced because of emotions. I give then herbs to clean the bad emotional spirits in the liver, so I give herbs to get the bad anger out of the body, then he gets better. Sometimes he works too hard so that the blood is not good, then I give herbs for his blood. C
Every time it is different. It is not easy to be a good Chinese doctor, even if you study many years. You need a lot of basis, the doctor’s self, self assurance, self development. You have to use your talent, your brain works very fast, you develop your sensitivity because even before the patient comes, I already know the problem. After the treatment, you have to send continuously energy to the patient. When you give herbs, your spirits- because you want the patient to get better- your spiritual energy is in the herbal medicine. Western people maybe don’t believe.

Spiritual energy
In China we sometimes cure patients with only a cup of water, because your spirits are in the water.They drink it and get better. The Chinese believe it, but in the West it is difficult.
The same time when I talk with people, I can cure 3 people that are behind me on about 10 meter. In the Western society they never know
That is why, we have to exchange, that is why I am here. The western society a good health, good spirits, needs a happy life. As a good doctor you have to give knowledge and a life philosophy, life behaviour. And I use my light, you call that light because people are in the dark, to make people happy, to come up, not live a depressive life. That is very important.
A patient had agressive colleges, the man was very weak, because he got bad emotions from the people. When he came to qi gong I immediately know something was wrong in his liver.

Emotions can make you die
Please don’t forget, the emotions cause cancer, make you die.
Because of bad spirits, the anger comes to your liver, you take in, then you get very sick. When you go to the hospital, the machines cannot find anything. Bad energy in the liver, bad emotions, anger in the liver. In our medicine we know this is a very strong disease. We write down it in a book. Emotions make the energy to go wrong, some people get depressive, for some people the stomach produces gas that cannot come out. When they keep it inside it goes to the stomach and they cannot eat, cannot sleep. It makes you crazy This is a bad cause for diseases
I? give herbal medicine to open the meridians, to open the energy system, let the gas, anger, bad spirits, bad emotions come out . If it doesn’t come out, the people become very sick and can die from it. A lot of cancer is caused by emotions

All the energy to the patients
Also as a good doctor you have to treat your patients like your family members. For me I cannot have a family, if you only focus on your own family, on your own life you don’t have the energy to give to your patients. Even if I sleep I think and send energy to my patients and also think about my herbs, if it is all right, because the body is very complicated, hot and cold, dry and water, they are mixed together
The upper side of the body can be hot, the lower part is cold. Hot and cold can be mixed. When you give herbs you have to be 100% sure that you did it right. A lot of time you are still thinking, try to give energy to your patient because you wish that the patient quickly recovered.
Also as a good doctor when you treat a patient, because of your energy gift you take the patients bacteria, emotions, bad spirits negative stuff into your body. That is why a lot of time I get sick. This is a kind of sacrifice, so you sacrifice for the patient.
You make them better, give positive energy and a good spirit. You learn to take out the patients bad spirits, bad energy. You use your light to make the patient in a good condition.? This kind of sacrifice, not so many people know.
The doctors job is not easy

My life for their life
I use my life to change the patient ‘s? life. The medicine only works for 40%, the doctor his energy for 60 %In our Chinese medical way we call it: we use herbal medicine cures 40%,60 %? is psychologically, life style to bring the energy to bring the positive to the patient, to light the patient to wake up their spirits , to encourage , to get better, to clean the blockade, bacteria.
Like even now I still have a shoulder problem because of the pain of a student, because she was very sick with her arm, I take over, already a month in my body. A patient ‘s ear problem, these days in the evening I feel pain and it makes a lot of noise. A lot of time I cannot sleep. For this kind of sacrifice a good doctor needs a lot of confidence, self encouragement to really contribute your energy, your good spirits, your light? I Use my life to change other people‘s life.
Then you need qi gong? to purify, clean the bad thoughts, to build up, to purify energy, purify spirits .I you don’t have this basic condition, you never can really help very, very sick patients. As a good doctor, the sacrifice cost a lot of energy, also to clean yourself. That is not easy
I saw so many doctors get sick. I treated a cancer expert, a doctor from Tilburg university, expert in radio treatment. He got cancer in the intestines. That is a kind of sacrifice. I also got a lot of time sick because I take the patients diseases into my body. Then I got very sick.
But I think this is good for the doctor, then you understand the situation of the patient. When you get sick there is no hope, no help. That is a kind of frustration, that is a kind of pain. That is why I understand the patients, because many times I got sick. Like my qi gong students sometimes get flu, then the whole evening the thyroid gland hurts. Then I cannot sleep. When they have liver pain I also get liver pain, when they have a heart problem I also get a heart problem
This sacrifice for the doctor is really great spirits to support your patient.
In the West they say: we pay you a lot. But they don not understand that the doctor also gets sick from it, has to sacrifice. I find it strange in the Western society, even when they have money they don’t want to pay, because money is their god. Lot of people think life is less important than money. They like more to die than to pay the doctor. I find it a stupid society, find it strange.
In my experience life is very important. If you have no life, you have no money. Money depends on your life, the whole situation depends on your life. The whole situation is wrong in my experience, my life style, my spirits way. Because I get sick from a lot of patients, they get better, then I get sick. Also as a good doctor with 100% spiritual sacrifice , you cannot treat so many people because you get strong sicknesses. I have a patient with cancer everywhere in the body, she needs a lot of support.

1bTeachings 11-02-2005 ; a good doctor

Money society, they value money more than life
The hospital doesn’t know about energy;
A skin problem is not only at the surface
Two ways give the best result
the test for a good doctor is easy: works it or not
The outer parts show the problems inside
The problems of the people come from society

Money is their god
I must send her energy continuously to build up the immune system, fight with the cancer. She is in the last stage of cancer, the hospital cannot help any more. It is a pity, people come too late to me. When the cancer is in an early stage I can stop it. Like a patient, the hospital confirmed that he had no cancer any more.
If I had no parents, no children I can treat people free. But the society needs that paper. People think the money is their god. In Holland they think that when you are cheap, you are bad. People value the doctor by the money
In China I treated a friend with cancer free. I gave him a recipe. I did not charge him because he was a friend, but he went to the hospital doctor to check it. He did not trust me. The doctor had no experience, never treated cancer and said that the recipe was not good. So the friend did not take it.
Then I got very angry. Since that time I never treat free. I learned from bad lessons
In Western society money is everything, only money has value. So I must ask money

As a good doctor your spiritual energy is like the sun shining, your spiritual energy shining your physic should be clean like water. The yin and yang has to be balanced . Also as a good doctor you should know that in all the organs the yin and the yang should be balanced, the blood and the oxygen is balanced .
Life style is also important. When patient only sits in the house, with no life aim, that is not good. You cannot always sit down, or always doing things. In everything you have to find a balance. When the life style, the organs, the physical life, spiritual life- all is not in balance- then you are sick, that is 100% sure
As a good doctor you should know that prevention is important, the doctor can feel that some of the patients go wrong, the life style goes wrong, or bacteria are already in the body, the food goes wrong.?
A patient ate mandarins, while having flue, that gave food to the bacteria and the fever got very high. Even when she took my herbs. Mandarins give a lot of energy for the bacteria, that make a lot of problems. She got an ear problem, a long time she could not hear well
In different situations, also the four seasons, you eat different vegetables and fruit. Fruits are also important
As a good doctor you also do prevention. Because they are money minded they think I want to make money, my purpose is that the patients are not sick, have more balance, are more happy, more health.
Why are in a rich country like Holland so many cancer patients (1 per 3)? Please use your mind. Please think about this question. Also very common is diabetes and heart disease.
I tell my patients, do you want to be stupid or clever? If you are clever you prevent the disease, you save the money, save my energy, save the herbs, save your pain.
If you are sick you cannot work en the whole family has a financial problem the children have problems, the wife gets angry, a lot of sorrow for the family. Spend a little bit of money, then you prevent it. Sickness costs a lot of problems, only a psycho problem is already a disturbance, makes the whole life out of order .

I use my life to change your life
Wives of patients say: Alex Wu is expensive. But they forget when your family is in a good health you can continuously make money. No life, no, money. Of course my quality is there,
I have high results and cannot treat so many people. A lawyer, the hospital or a consultant ask more money. I use my life to change your life.
I sacrifice, do my best. A lot of doctors and therapists get jealous and want to steal my knowledge. They don’t know how I can recover cancer and so many difficult diseases. A lot of psychologists get jealous. If they have 3, 10 lives they still don’t have my quality. Of course they don’t have it. They don’t develop themselves.
You have slowly to train your students, build up.
Develop spiritual life, and so humanity. Holland we loose moral, spiritual life. We cheat each other, everything is about money. We forget morals. For the money we can kill our parents, fight with our brothers, I saw a lot of cases among my patients. Do not become a slave of money, not become a devil because of money. Become a master of money paper, do not die for it.
We need not much material basis We only need a house, food, clothes, family support If you give children too much money, they destroy their life. They suddenly get a lot of money they get lazy and don’t know what to do. Give the ability to children to make money themselves, give them a good education. If they have positive energy, a good health, they are talented to make money Then they appreciate the value of life, the value of the money by themselves.When you give the money they don’t want to work, sit in the house and get depressive.
That is my philosophy.
The Western medical system and hospital don’t talk about energy. Don’t know about energy, because their machines cannot test the energy. That is why they say they don’t know. But as a good doctor you should know people live on the energy. Without energy people die. But the hospital doesn’t know it. That is why the hospital cannot cure a lot of diseases, because they don’t know the basis. The basis is the blood and the energy. Both are equal important

Two ways gives the best result
Even a small skin problem, the hospital cannot cure. Because we use herbs that go into your liver, clean your liver so that the liver produces good blood. Mostly a skin problem is related to the liver and the milt. When they have a skin problem I always go to the liver. When the liver is clean, they get better.
The hospital asks much more money than I ask. But I think we have the same quality, even I have more quality than the hospital. Western medicine has quality because they
have the equipment for detailed investigations: which bacteria are in the body and about the blood cells.
In China are in the same hospital 2 departments for western and traditional medicine.
Traditional medicine gets a lot of patients, can make a lot of money, can also work at home.
A Western do's thoughtsctor must work in the hospital, without hospital they cannot work. That is the difference.
China is more open now and they know that Chinese herbs can cure a lot of diseases. It is scientifically proves. In the hospital we work together: two ways gives the best result.
My mind is very open. I think one way is not good. Two ways are better, then we can use the Western diagnosis system to watch and find more details. The Chinese
traditional medicine begins by the experience of the doctor, not with the machine.
Also the basis of traditional medicine is the energy, the spiritual energy, the nature energy.
The nature energy includes the herbal energy, ground energy, and also the doctor’s spiritual energy

My diagnosis
Before I used the pulse diagnosis, now I use my spiritual energy. Because the pulse is only one side, it is the reflection of your body The pulse is the voice of the body, the tongue is the mirror of the problems of the body. The eyes also reflect the body’s problems
When the body has a problem, then every part has a problem, even the hair is unbalanced, has bad energy. I think in the end the Chinese medicine comes to the world like wind. Like when Feng Shui comes to you and brings you a lot of good, nobody can stop. The Chinese medicine comes to the world it is, like Feng Shui, the winds
The Western doctors get angry, because they loose their market, benefit, interest and reputation. Because Chinese medicine cures a lot of diseases they cannot cure.It is a big shame for the powerful doctors
In China most people respect the herbal doctor more than the hospital doctor. Do you know why? Because it is not easy to be a herbal doctor, difficult to be a good doctor.It is difficult to get experience, the doctor needs a whole life It needs a whole life experience, to do research. Even a whole life you need to be wise. A stupid doctor cannot be good, because you need sensitivity.
You need self moral, self building up the energy, a family background- the parents support you or not, give energy or not, you need to be related to the earth energy, you need self reform, self trust. And enough courage.Then you can get experience, wisdom. Then you become a good doctor.

The test for a good doctor is easy
You are not good when only talking. In Chinese medical history many doctors were good in writing books by copying the prescriptions of others. But they cannot copy the knowledge of a good doctor. They cannot cure the diseases. The test for a good doctor is easy, very practical. Bring a patient. Can you cure or not? When you cure the patient gets cured. It proves you are a good doctor. When you not cure, so you are not a good doctor. You canot talk: I can cure this, I can cure that you have to? show your quality, your knowledge .
People respect you, because you gave herbs, it works, you saved their life, their pain. You heal not only physical, also psychological problems, spiritual problems. It is simple: you are good or not good.
In China there are many herbal shops, we call this there are more of them than toilets. They make money, even without diploma, they can survive. So everybody tries to do this business. This kind of business comes to Holland now. Even if you don’t know about herbs. Some have some experience and knowledge, that is why they can run the shop. Some cannot, they only can hire people to work for them. This situation, nobody can stop it
It comes to Europe, comes to the world.
Why has China such a big and strong population? Because Chinese medicine strongly supported, helped the big population. Like when flue comes. Before we use some herbs to prevent so that the bacteria cannot come to our body.They used herbal medicine to prevent the people. Even for SARS China use herbs to prevent . A lot of people used herbs, then the prices came up, everybody grabs herbs.
But they made the mistake that everyone got the same prescription Everybody used the same herbs. That is wrong. Because everybody a different body and stomach. A saw people with a weak stomach drinking it and they got sick from it. Chinese herbs, Himalaya herbs, you cannot use It as aspirin, everybody the same.
According to the body you make different prescriptions, otherwise you make a mistake, the patient’s body cannot stand it and you make them sick. So you always have to make a diagnosis of the body

The complete body
An analysis is of the complete body: each organs even the joints, meridians, muscles, organs.
Even the pain you must ask: sour pain, swollen, cold, hot, like needles.
When the body produces phlegm you must ask: is it yellow, clear, liquid.This is a symbol showing the patients inside, the lung, stomach, kidney.
Even the urine you must ask: yellow or white colour, smelling or not, bleeding.
Also the tongue has different colours: the different parts of the tongue belong to different? organs. The top of the tongue belongs to the blood, the middle part to the stomach, the sides, the end, all different parts You should know that .
The colours of the face are different. Even by the voice you hear which kind of problem there is.The outer parts show the problems inside.
This experience you don’t get in one day. You use your whole life. There is a lot of mystery about it. Nobody can steal it, even if you write a book, they cannot steal your knowledge. It is your own wisdom, knowledge sensitivity .
Different doctors, different prescriptions. All the herbal doctors use different herbals.
Each patient needs different herbs, even after a few days the prescription can be different. So I must make a diagnosis and follow the process of nature : which direction go the organs, which bacteria have come and in what direction they go, what sort of pain, is the situation better or not.

Chinese and Western system
The Western and Chinese medial system must come together, like the yin and the yang. The western system is yang, they analyse the bacteria.
The Chinese system is yin. They do prevention, feel what is going on, help before it can happen.
Like men and women come together and produce children. So we can make the best medical system. Even when the Western medical doctor has power, money, that doesn’t matter.? Curing is fist important, if you can stop the peoples pain, save life.
Together they are the best medical system.? Both have quality and shortcomings. We cannot operate, don’t use a machine for diagnosis. We have to go together. I am open minded. I always send the people to the doctor for check up
A cancer patient was cured by me in 3 months and the result was conformed by the hospital.
They were surprised.
One side is I am proud, but the western doctor doesn’t listen to this.
Nobody can do that. Nature gives me the truth of life, the truth of the world.

As a good doctor you must know the cause of problems.
I always think: Why 30% cancer patients in Holland ? I really worry. I think in Holland the management and the government is good. Special in the PvdA? The time of mr. Kok was a golden time. Everybody did comply. Now the time goes worse, there is a lot of killing, the society goes more bad. There are many poor people, many homeless people and the government doesn’t care.
In China we have one good poem for this: Rich people eat very expensive, while poor people die before the door, without house and cloths. Do you know why I tell this idiom? Because that means a terrible society.
Only with little money they can save other people’s life. So may rich people ,why not do a little bit donation. Give them housing, they can work. Everything is so well organised.
The government is rich, get a lot of taxes. They should give poor people bread, a shower, a roof. You can let them work. Poor people have the right to get accommodation.
Rich people should think about others. Also the government should do that.
There are always weak people in society, they can work for he country. They have the right to go to the doctor, to get food.
A good cause gives a good result. CDA is bad, bad results will come to them, you will see.
Education, health care is important, we should not spend money on weapons.
We should not build more highways and shopping centres and destroy the nature.
The problems of the people come from society. If society is wrong, there are more problems, related to society, the family.
A good doctor has this view and talks about moral and human rights. Humans have a right on roof,to work, to get food, a shower. That costs nothing compared to weapons.
We need peace, nature, a green area.
First take care of the people, then of the animals. Some people do the opposite. They give everything to their dogs ,buy them even clothes. That is too much luxury for the dogs. We can spend this money for the hungry children
Maybe I am too idealistic. I researched many years on this subject.
Human rights are not only political, also for the basis of existence, like food. You don’t need go out robbing for food. When you have a good life you don’t realise. When you have a bad life you remember the good times. Please use your mind and think about it, why society goes wrong. You must understand the human being. If everyone has basic accomodation I don’t think they will risk to go out robbing. Of course occasional it can happen.
Robbing for psychological reasons is different. It is bad when neighbours quarrel and use a machine gun.
An incident: the train stopped because the conductor was fighting with men that had not paid. Then all the passengers started to fight with each other. Everybody appeared to be full of anger.

2. Teachings on tape, 16-02-2005, one side : a good doctor

cancer can transfer to another body
organs and muscles, everything is related in the body
From a cold to cancer, how I treat cancer
My value is my price
Our society needs moral education;
I test the morality of my patients

Doctors get sick
Cancer can transfer by physical contact, because the blockades can transfer to another body. Body with body is energy transfer. It only depends if another person’s? immune system can defend. That is why a lot of massagists get sick, also a lot of Reiki masters and a lot of doctors.? Because their immune system goes down, then, bacteria, bad energy goes into the body.
This year there is very bad flue. By qi gong your prevention system is developed.
I know how to prevent myself. As a good doctor you also have to handle the bad energy, also the bad spirits, your own bad desire, because outside is bad spirit, then also on the inside is bad desire and emotion. Because outside can influence you inside
A good doctor knows the different characters of his patients and how to deal with them, how to persuade, how to advice, to make them better. Many patients are only interested in the price.You give explanation why it is so.
The healing comes for 60 % by psychological and spiritual influences and 40 % by the herbal medicine.

Solve the root problem
People get sick from a lot of problems. When the root problem is not solved, when the organs are not cleaned they never get better.
Like a skin problem .You can put some cream on it, then the itching stops one week, but the problem will come back, because it your liver is sick. When the liver is sick, you cannot only control the skin, because the liver produces wrong blood, even the blood has a problem, that shows in the skin. So only the skin doesn’t work. That is why we give herbals, so that the liver and the skin go better.
When there is an eye problem, then we give a treatment for liver and kidney, because the eye is for 100% connected with the liver. If you don’t use treatment for kidney and liver, you never get better.
The body is a whole system. The organs with the muscles and the whole body are connected. Western medicine sees only the eye problem, but the eye needs circulation, needs blood, that comes from kidney and liver .You cannot separate. I always see people as a whole system.
Even we are all related to nature. In Holland we are related to Dutch energy. In China with China energy. The four seasons have different influences, so you need different herbal medicine dependent on the seasons.

Car driver
As a good doctor you test the herbs by yourself. Then you know the results. I test on my body, then I give it to the patients. So I have much experience
I control the bodies like driving a car, taking direction, stopping, accelerating as is necessary.
When the body is exited I make it more relaxed. I want them to stop coughing, then they stop
When the body needs sleep, I cause sleep.
A doctor is a good driver for the car.
Look for the colour, smell, hear the voice, see the body change: that is diagnosis.
Outside and inside are related, not separated. Mostly they use the traditional way of diagnosis but, the pulse diagnosis is not most important for me now.
With my energy I sense the body inside: the pain, blockades, organ problems, the bacteria, the pain. A lot of patients say they don’t have it. Bur after some time they feel.
I see even that 10 years ago the arm of a patient was broken.
Different patients give different diagnosis

From a cold to cancer
Seeing the tongue, feeling the pulse? is not enough.You must know how big the area is in the organs that is destroyed. You must know if the tumour is small or big, if a huge area? is infected or? a small area.
You must know what kind of pain there is: like needles, swollen, like somebody beat, cold or hot pain. Dependent on thee kind of pain I make a different herbal composition. Even the pain a wise doctor should know it
With cold pain I give warm herbs for the circulation, for the energy. And you must also give herbs to open the blockade
Most energy blockades are related with blood and liquid. When there is heat produce bacteria in a mixture of blood and water the yellow stuff. The yellow stuff is dangerous.
I give cold herbs to open the blockage and make the phlegm disappear
The herbal mixture opens the energy and make the phlegm disappear, that in a later stage can become a tumour.
With hot arthritis, when the limbs are swollen, there is fever, I give herbs for the heat and the blood, dry the liquid , control the infection, reduce the heat in that area. I give blood herb to open the blockade, let it disappear. As a herbal doctor you need a lot of knowledge. Even for details, knowledge for small things

Treatment of cancer
Different cancers makes different herbs necessary. In the beginning we do prevention. With a beginning tumour we use herbs to open the blockade.? Energy and blood herbs promote a good circulation. When the cancer is already everywhere, and destroyed the immune system, then you must think about the immune system. You can start to make the body, the immune system strong. Then each cancer cell, step by step, can disappear.
When I give blood herbs too early, then the cancer cells are being transported through the body. Then the patient can die fast. So in this period if you only go to chemotherapy, because the immune system is already very bad, you cannot stand the chemo or radio therapy and the cancer patient can die very quick.
As a wise doctor you must know which stage, which herbs to give and how much herbs,? which herbs go together, that gives a different effect, result. As a wise doctor you should know it, you should make a good combination. Your whole life you are learning, every day, you are never full. Because nature gives you a lot of knowledge, makes you more and wise. Every day you must use your talent, your brain, your sensitivity, knowledge, your background. Every day you learn more and more

Make a good combination.
The combination of herbs is important. With flue I first give herbs to kick the bacteria out. Then energy herbs like ginseng are not good, you become more and more sick, start coughing. The combination is important.?
Then I need herbs for stomach and lungs. With the wrong combination, you can destroy. In China that happens often. You need a wise and good doctor. The herbal doctor in China is more respected than the Western doctor. So Holland? is different, I think this will change, not so long.

Clean yourself
Another thing for a wise doctor is not only to clean your physical but also the spiritual, because you get the patients negative spirits and you also selfishness, a lot of desire, greediness. And also you have a kind of knowledge, power, you should use that in a good way for the patient, not in a wrong way. That is why for the doctors moral, you need a good moral and good motive, a good view, open, bright to bring your light to the patient.
In the meantime you have to clean too, that is difficult for the doctors.
Therefore as a good doctor you must ask a good price. Cheap means no quality. Nothing gives nothing, Greedy people cannot recognise you, only by the price
You can cure difficult diseases .The medical ability is much more than other doctors.
People cannot recognise you, then they are not open, psychologically and physical
and you cannot cure them. Even is you are good, they are suspicious.
You have a lot of medical experience, abiltity so I recognise the patient immediately. I can immediately know how to cure the patient.
Even if you are good and they don’t take you serious, and don’t take your herbs.In China,and also in Holland I treated people free, but their dirty mind made objections: why do you treat me free. They use their narrow, small mentality to think about you. So I treat them in the same way We live in a money society. Otherwise you die, they don’t take you serious.
If people don’t accept you, don’t waste your energy and knowledge. We have to use their own mentality to show that you are a good doctor. And also, I use herbs, no other people use it. I buy expensive herbs. My medical philosophy is you must give the best quality to your patient. You must quickly recover them. I do my best, they trust you. If they don’t trust you, you should not do anything
Society causes a lot of problems. As a good doctor you should know it. Like now, when the economy is not good, there is a lot of fear, stress. People are afraid to spend money. You should understand that mentality. Even if they have money, they don’t use it.
You must know Holland is very famous about greediness for the money. Go Dutch, double Dutch. Even when they die they think money is more important than life. Our wisdom is to deal with them. I use their own mentality to let them recognise our knowledge Then they take you serious, trust you .
I think European people are very stubborn. But that means there is a lot of stupidity inside
There is a lot of selfishness, a? lot of stupidity. No life philosophy. No wisdom. When you die, where is the money then.
They spend a lot of energy for a diploma. But what is a diploma, when your life is finished.
So we should become wise, get a life philosophy, also to get more satisfaction for ourselves.
The material side is yin, life is yang. That must be balanced.?
We cannot always keep the material side, we have life then simple material is enough.
If you want too much material, you destroy your life. My life philosophy says:if you want more you loose more.
As a doctor also, if we are greedy, you also die for it. If I should want a big hospital, it costs a lot of life energy, to organise this to do that. Then I cannot have the wisdom I have today. When I die where is Alex Wu ‘s knowledge then, no medical knowledge. As a normal doctor you can only cure small diseases.
We come to this world, we have to contribute our knowledge, energy, ability to the nature world.
Also we have to take care for our life, our physical and spiritual life.
When you only think of yourself, you get sick, because you are narrow minded, you cannot share anything.? That is also stupidity. You only think about yourself. There are many millionaires who are not happy, they never enjoy any moment. When life ends, they had no purpose.

Moral values
My life has a purpose: to create medical knowledge, also create the spiritual life for the people looking for the truth of life, the truth for the world, sharing and taking care of each other. To contribute to the world. This is very important for me.
It is very sad, most people are selfish. Busy with money. Then they loose themselves, they murder, steal, are tricky . Families are destroyed by that. Those people have no feelings for others, are cool. Not any moral in their body, spiritual life, their mind. Moral is important,. Lot of people misuse their children, kill people. A lot of dirty things happen. If the people have moral, I think their behaviour is much better
Moral education is first important for society.
Teach people to understand what good behaviour is, understand how to deal with other people, not harm others.
As a wise doctor, when I first treat patients I test first how good/ bad? he/she is. Because I see people inside, not only outside, for me that is not of interest. I look for the inside energy, the moral basis and good heart. I teach a long time Qi Gong. For a long time I did my task. So I test the energy level and I also look for the moral basis. Patients try to cheat me. You must know that nature has its own philosophy: you did bad things to the doctor then your life is unsure, your physical problem nobody can recover because the basis is very cool, very bad, even your doctor you try to destroy. I saw so many people who did bad things to me, I don’t think they have a good life. I saw their sorrow every day, their physics and tricky mind, dirty heart. Nature has their own way to punish: Good causes give good result, bad causes give bad result. It is my belief, my philosophy.
A simple example. America doesn’t listen to the world to stop the war in Iraq. Their reputation goes down. They loose Europe, they loose the trust of the whole world. Many years they build up their reputation, it is destroyed. The dollar goes down, the American economy goes down. So don’t forget: good cause, good result. So when you did good things for the people you get a reward. Why I can be successful in Europe? I did a lot of good things.

My karma
I saved a lot of people’s life in Tibet. Good cause good result, that is my philosophy. My cancer patients why did they get recovered? A cancer patient there I recovered. He came to me he said I believe in Chinese medicine, it exits many thousands of years and I believe in you.
At that time I was not good in treating cancer, had not so much cancer experience at that time. He did not care about the price even though he had not much money, he was a student but he believed me. So I did my best. After a few months his cancer was recovered. It was a good hearted person. He was young. Too much sex had destroyed him. I told him to limit the sex and also to stop his study .Of course he paid a lot of money that is for sure. He got recovered, did not care about the price. He said: my family supports me. So: how much you pay, how much you get Money is a kind of energy exchange, money is energy. He quickly got better. Also it was my karma to help him, because he believed me. At that time I was very young. I did my best, he listened well. My work was very effective
Also, as a wise doctor when you feel your patient is not all right, you should call them and tell them to be careful.


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