
生命中, 最爱那种壮美. ..大漠孤烟直, 长河落日圆. 也爱在烟雨红尘中, 看 落霞与孤鹜齐飞, 秋水共长天一色...

a dazzling day

(2005-03-21 22:41:34) 下一个

met up with a friend. talked about weekend outlet shopping trip..:) showed an undergrad around the lab. he said he knew it all. :P reviewed a peer's grant in a seminar, felt good about my critique although he is just an undergrad. level student due to which i thought highly of his writing and such...


some friends are going to take a trip in distance in two weeks, not sure if i should join..busy. also need some exercise to tighten my tummy a bit...:) overall it is a smooth day...and i wish the day comes sooner when i can wear skirts and some sandals while taking a walk on the beach...:) carrying some hand-made handbag that's really pretty made by my cousin's wife...too late...let's start evening dreaming now lah...:)

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