
用手写的CertifiedCourt Disposition

(2008-05-23 14:31:27) 下一个
Thank you, guys, for all your help in the past two months. The court today agreed to dismiss my case under no penalty. (Briefly my ex-girlfriend and I had an argument during which she screamed. My neighbor called the cops and we were asked to go to the court the next Monday because we pushed each other. We are charged for Disorderly Conduct.)

I have obtained the final disposition letter. On mine is written the following:

Count: 1 Disorderly Conduct Type/Class: M/C
On or About 3/20/2008 In Violation of CGS/PA No:53a-182

Under Court Action is stamped today\'s date and HANDWRITTEN the abbreviation DISM under the column additional disposition.

Further down, under other court action is stamped the date two months ago when I first went to the court with the handwritten phrase LPO Issued (I think it means protection order).

The the clerk placed a seal and sighed her name. That\'s it.

The disposition letter does not mention that my case is closed. Nor is the word Dismissal formally printed out: everything is handwritten. Is this a standard disposition document?

I am leaving the country in five days and am going for my visa stamping in two weeks (I\'ll definitely post my result). The questions I have are the following:

(1) Is the letter mentioned above the standard certified court disposition letter that I should carry whenever I cross the US border or visit the US consulate?
(2) Is this considered a conviction under immigration purposes?
(3) Do you guys think I should reveal this to other countries\' consulates when I apply for visas when asked about arrest? Some countries ask for criminal record: yes/no. I have been told by the court that nobody but me have access to the dismissed record.

Thank you once again for all your help.
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