
经济数据对股市的影响 来源: 千虑一得

(2008-04-11 20:21:19) 下一个

影响程度 最重要
Employment Report
Gross Domestic Product
Consumer Price Index
Prodicer Price Index
Employment Cost Index
Retail Sales
Purchasing Manager\'s Index
Durable Goods Orders

影响程度 较重要
Chicago Purchasing Manager\'s Index
Industrial Production and Capacity
Philadephia Fed Index

影响程度 一般
Beige Book
Existing home Sales
Housing Starts
new home Sales
Productivity and Unit Labor Costs
Initial Jobless Claims
Retail Chain Store Sales
Personal Income and Consumption
Redbook Retail Average

影响程度 不重要
Bussiness Outlook Index
Construction Spending
Consumer Confidence Index
Factory Orders
Housing Market Index
International Trade
Purchasing Manager\'s Nonmanufacturing Index
Wholesale Trade
business Inventories
Consumer Confort Index
Consumer Sentiment Index
Federal budget
Import and Export Prices

影响程度 最不重要

Atlanta Fed Index
Consumer Credit
Kanssa Fed Index
New York business Conditions Index
Chicago Fed Index
Help-Wanted Index
Leading Economic Indicators
Real Earnings
Richmond Fed Survey
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