
不做韭菜(2) 韭菜要为自己着想(a)。

(2025-01-13 17:21:59) 下一个


韭菜要为自己着想。这个观点再重复也不过分。韭菜的定义就是帮着施害者, 损害自己,同时也损害别人。让你宽心的事。这事儿中外都有。简单例子。Frontier Airlines has released a statement regarding Khabib being removed from their flight. https://www.reddit.com/r/ufc/comments/1i0n43j/frontier_airlines_has_released_a_statement/?sort=new

韭菜要问: 如果越来越多的celebrity 或者entitled挑战 航空公司的安全飞行条款, 我们这些韭菜会不会有更多的机会飞机晚点?Celebrity或者政府要员利用特权损害我们韭菜的利益。这种例子还少吗?
但是大多数韭菜的回答想法是。他是一个UFC star。我崇拜的冠军,所以他说的都是对的,所以我要支持他。

The arrogance Khabib displayed in the second video suggests that he likely did not respond with respect and sincerity during his initial interaction with the flight attendant. Ordinary people like us understand that an airplane is a unique environment where many things could potentially go wrong. For everyone's benefit, passengers and flight attendants need to cooperate to ensure a smooth and safe experience.

There may have been a misunderstanding, but if switching seats could have made things easier for the flight attendants, Khabib, and the other passengers, why not just comply and allow the flight to proceed on schedule? He could have filed a complaint afterward.

However, Khabib is not an ordinary person like us; he felt the need to prove a point and went to great lengths to show that he was mistreated. He seems to believe he is always right, that he is someone special who deserves preferential treatment. If things don’t go his way, he throws a tantrum on social media, much like a three-year-old, and inevitably garners widespread support.

Unfortunately, that’s exactly what happened. Why should we, as ordinary people, care? Because incidents like these set a precedent. When celebrities consistently get their way and feel entitled to special treatment, it risks inconveniencing others. Your next flight might be delayed at the very least


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