ABvirgo2008-07-25 12:52:15回复悄悄话
I wonder if it is in Corona,several big manufacturers around there too, enjoy the peauful life in the farm.
Actually there are so many good places around Los Angeles, even in the downtown area, you can find the Antonio Winery,the Disney musical Hall...Bunkhill...MOCA..etc..
A hot day in the shade of your own backyard maybe also very very nice consider the cost of gasline....have you been the Groove in 3rd street, very nice for people like to see people...
Wow, so romantic and poetic. Thank you very much for sharing it.
Have a nice week,
谢谢才哥, 小燕子又要有新家了.
have a nce day!
当然没中餐丰富, 只是 American fast food.
have a nice day!
谢谢光临, 是的, 在corona, 祝你周末愉快!
飘侠: 请加入我的朋友圈吧, 这样大家才有聚会的机会啊, 谢谢光临, 周末快乐!
谢谢你常光临寒舍, 你很风趣,我喜欢.不过才哥有那么可怕吗? 我到要见识见识! 周末愉快!
是的, 在Corona, 谢谢你常来看我, 祝周末愉快!
秋叶兄: 谢谢你的光临, 周末愉快!
Actually there are so many good places around Los Angeles, even in the downtown area, you can find the Antonio Winery,the Disney musical Hall...Bunkhill...MOCA..etc..
A hot day in the shade of your own backyard maybe also very very nice consider the cost of gasline....have you been the Groove in 3rd street, very nice for people like to see people...
You have a wonderful weekend!
在南加州, 离LA 40 Mile. 谢谢来访.
五哥:猫眯也想带你去, 可不可以带上才兄, 能吃不怕, 买两份.
我们是朋友, 只要有机会就一起去呀.相信你会喜欢!
才哥, 有机会我请你去那儿吃上一顿. 体验一下就知道了.