
转载-标题: 惊天丑闻撕开黑幕:中国政治犯们,是如何在美国被敲骨吸髓的 (269 reads)


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(博讯北京时间2008年4月01日 来稿)
    市民半夜遭数十男子拖出屋外 房子被强拆(图)2008-03-29 03:18:56 来源: 现代快报(南京)核心提示:3月27日凌晨,苏州几十名“身份不明”男子戴安全帽手持钢管闯入两户人家,将户主拖出屋外,随后强拆房子。当地街道拆迁办否认涉及此事,表示并不知情。

Each place appearance "unclear status" beating, smashing and looting rebellion troop: Chinese Communist Party already thorough organized crime
Please look at the abundant news hot spot:Violence law enforcement
(Abundant news Beijing standard time on April 01, 2008 submission)
    Editor's note: In recent years the editor frequently receives the mainland aspect basic unit government administration law enforcement organized crime treatment common people's objection and to the opinion which forcefully takes over for use states a complaint with tears the event, to has not negotiated successfully "the government" to take over for use the behavior, even has does not inform in the land sovereignty user's situation, the basic unit government officials incite the organized crime hoodlum vagabond violence to beat in secret, cause the victim to be with one's family broken up and decimated. "The harmonious society" is incompatible with with Mr. Hu Jintao's position, the mainland such causes the common people to the oneself country cruel law enforcement extreme not full event, the ruler really to ignore lets matters drift?
    Opened the unclear status person's status really has that difficultly?
    The resident midnight suffers outside dozens of men It drags it 
 rooms the house to cutt (chart) 2008-03-29 03:18:56 origin: Modern bulletin (Nanjing) core prompt: On March 27 before dawn, Suzhou several dozens "the status is unclear" the man to wear the safety helmet to grasp the steel pipe to intrude two household others, the head of household It drags it room outside, afterwards cutts the house. The local street relocates manages the denial to involve this matter, expressed certainly does not know the circumstances of the matter.
     In the last few years, frequently sees the unclear status person: A while is the unclear status person digs up others' house, a while is the unclear status person cut and injures the person, moreover, these unclear statuses people always in groups appear. After has an accident, they also are evacuate such quickly, such are clean. After the victim reports, the benefit side often categorically denies these unclear statuses person with own related, the police also often keep mouth shut. These matters, often do not see the afterwards track to report that, generally speaking is like the clay ox entering the sea. The victim can not but strongly swallow down a bitter fruit.
     The unclear status person status really that It is not really seen the evil doing? On like digs up the others house, on the surface looked, they with the government, the relocation company, the developer do not have any relations as if: The government has not employed them, the government comes out the denial with these matters related, the police also wants to catch them is the proof; The developer, the relocation company has not employed them, this from the developer, the relocation company categorically denies may prove. Then, these unclear statuses people actually why such do do? Opens the person house always to have a motive? Dispatches a big group of person, the excavator, the bulldozer to need the fund after all! Since these person and benefit all quarters any relations, they have not taken the that big risk to cutt the private residence, is worth? Although the government, the developer, the relocation company wants to pretend non-involvement by might and main with these unclear statuses person's relations, but the public is not a fool.
     The unclear status person really has the that big original story? Killed people, has hit the person, has dug up the others house, "the flash" evacuates without a trace, then clean, is rapid, all "cannot find way out" including ours police? In 2007, a Beijing place, also is crowd of unclear statuses people, operates the bulldozer to open others the house, moreover has opened two! The police catch up with, unexpectedly all disappears the bulldozer! They also operate the bulldozer are quicker than the police vehicle! Obviously these unclear statuses person what kind heroes!
     Perhaps, should give the police to replace, the increase has equipped, the police when came across these matters, often will report in the victim very long later to be able to rush the scene; Calculated can promptly rush the scene, but their police vehicle continually excavator, the bulldozer speed all was inferior to, how like this can handle a case? I do for oneself for the taxpayer have not made a bigger contribution for the country but to be ashamed, if my ability big, the good and evil also needs to give the police again to contribute a speed to surpass the excavator, the bulldozer storage battery car!
     Really didn't have the person which the means coped with these unclear statuses? The answer is negative. I did not believe these unclear statuses the person is from underground emits, also did not believe they are jump from the stone, after did not believe they commit a crime cannot leave behind any Clue. I did not believe our police's ability can lowly to that kind of degree, the big document, the serious case which these Ministry of Public Security supervises, our police often all can promptly solve a case!
     This kind of case final result often is let it go at that. Case broken, the government makes the incompetent impression in the public heart is a minor matter, lets the public produce the government is the wealth slave, black evil force protective umbrella this impression, was dangerous. The government department should not consider oneself to public's responsibility?
     Hopes the unclear status the person's riddle of status soon will untie, hopes the person which later will not be able to appear these unclear statuses again!
     The unclear status person's riddle of status, is testing government's ruling ability. The unclear status person's rampant degree, is testing Person in charge of affairs of state the conscience. [ Abundant news submission ]
(abundant news boxun.com)

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