
转载-标题: 惊天丑闻撕开黑幕:中国政治犯们,是如何在美国被敲骨吸髓的 (269 reads)


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第九十五回  子牙暴纣王十罪-猴子一群-中国共产党,寄生的“中华人民共和国”有多少罪?
第四回  恩州驿狐狸死妲己-中国共产党,寄生的“中华人民共和国”历史!是否像-陈独秀组织的共产党,莫名其妙的死亡;被猴子毛泽东从轩辕墓里爬出,继承了“共产党”躯壳-借尸还魂-
A,第04回 麒麟村小英雄结义 沥泉洞老蛇怪献枪 -
B, 第59回 召回兵矫诏发金牌 详恶梦禅师赠偈语 -
A,三个独裁者之死也预示着21 世纪将是消除独裁、极权统治的世纪。 (一)海珊之死. 2006年12月30日,伊拉克独裁者海珊在绞刑架下结束了生命,终年69岁。 ...
tw.epochtimes.com/bt/7/1/2/n1576125.htm !
B,特工用诱萨达姆招供独裁者也曾泪流满面-- 渝北网-- 面向全国、面向世界 ...另据法新社14日报道,一本新书说,萨达姆对屠杀大量伊拉克人毫不后悔,但是,当美国联邦调查局的审讯人员乔治·皮罗与他告别时,这个伊拉克独裁者却泪流满面。 ... www.cqybq.gov.cn/wenhua/200712/wenhua_20071220151613.html
C, 联邦调查局官员乔治·皮罗,曾连续七个月每天花五个小时审讯萨达姆。他说,审慎耐心的方式获得了最大回报,萨达姆终于敞开心扉,承认自己屠杀了18万库尔德人,并策划制造核武器-http://www.cqybq.gov.cn/wenhua/200712/wenhua_20071220151613.html
猴和猿者尾将揪 !







2006年岁末,海珊上了绞刑架,另两个独裁者皮诺切特、米洛捨维奇死于羁押中。他们的最后岁月很凄惨,他们的死讯,对生活在独裁、极权统治之下的人们是鼓励,对活著的独裁者是丧钟。三个独裁者之死也预示著21 世纪将是消除极权统治,独裁统治的世纪。


English-转载- Maxtor 硬碟被植木马程式 个人资料瞬间流向北京 2008-04-07 04:34:19
全新 Maxtor 硬碟 被植木马程式 个人资料 瞬间流向北京
自由时报 〔记者杨国文、何瑞玲/台北报导〕 2007/11/10
全新、国际知名大厂 Maxtor 品牌、大容量的可携式硬碟,惊传已被植入木马程式病毒,一旦安装使用,电脑中的资料就会几乎不知不觉被窃取传送到在中国北京的两个网址。

泰国生产 在台出货约两千台


可远方窃密 疑中国网军搞鬼
调查局电脑犯罪侦办科发现,该两个木马程式会感染其他插入的随身碟,并感染 autorun.inf、windows.scr 档案,且会主动连线及上传资料到 www‧nice8‧org 或 www‧we168‧org ,经查,登记该两个网址公司都设在中国北京,动机显不寻常。


军情单位电脑中毒 后果严重



搜索更多相关主题的帖子: 新闻剪辑

[ News ] the Maxtor hard disk is instantaneous planted the Trojan horse computer program individual material instantaneous to flow to Beijing
The brand-new Maxtor hard disk is instantaneous planted the Trojan horse computer program individual material instantaneous to flow to Beijing

The free Times [ Reporter the Yang Chinese, He Jui the Ling/Taibei reports ] 2007/11/10

Brand-new, the international well-known big plant Maxtor brand, large capacity may take along the type hard disk, the startled biography has been implanted the Trojan horse computer program virus, once installs the use, in the computer material can nearly unconsciously steal transmits to in Beijing, China's two websites.

Thailand produces in produces goods approximately two thousand
This batch of production writes Thailand's international well-known brand Maxtor 3.5 吋, 500G may take along the type hard disk, produces goods in Taiwan approximately has two thousand, after receives Investigation Bureau to inform, the business agent and the circuit business all already comprehensive urgent bottom carriage, and will accept the returned goods recycling, also changed into the close type but not to contain viral immediately the product top carriage.

This kind of brand-new product namely suffers implants the Trojan horse computer program event, all indicates including the computer experts hears something never heard of before, but actually real occurrence in Taiwan.
Investigation Bureau was receives the populace in October to report, refers newly buys may take along a type hard disk installment to doubt included the Trojan horse computer program, after Investigation Bureau attains the newspaper quite to take, really purchased the same funds hard disk, delivered Investigation Bureau capital An? to know the laboratory analysis, the test, confirmed really had autorun.inf and ghost.pif (devil formula) two kind of Trojan horse computer program.

But the distant place steals secrets doubts the Chinese net armed force to do the ghost
The Investigation Bureau computer-related crime detects manages the branch to discover that, this two Trojan horse computer program can infect other insertions along with the small dish, and infects autorun.inf, the windows.scr file, also can the driving segment and on passes on the material to www.nice8.org & www.we168.org , after looks up, registers this two websites company all to be located in the Beijing, China, the motive reveals not commonly.

Investigation Bureau discovered, the user so long as installs this hard disk, the computer formula can the automatic segment above specific website, the computer material turn "all reveals", but the long-range way easily steals the computer material, After the research estimated should be the Chinese net armed force implements the information war, has the plan to steal our country government sensitive, the national defense secret and the big enterprise trade is secret.

The military situation unit computer is poisoned the result to be serious
Investigation Bureau believed that, the common populace very little purchase the capacity so big hard disk, if the governmental agency, the military situation unit official computer connects this hard disk, the national secret possibly can steal by the secret, "that has been serious"; The Investigation Bureau capital peaceful personnel also pointed out that, may not the careless and indiscreet crisis be, penetrates this may take along the type hard disk the transmission use, the virus can form "the duplicate infection" under, the different computer, the hard disk all in do not know the circumstances of the matter is infected, and suffers China to monitor, the downloading material, at present suffers infects the computer to be unable precisely to estimate, if my governmental agency, the important political party public figure's computer by the chain-like infection, the result is inconceivable.

This brand-new hard disk unexpectedly contains the Trojan horse computer program case, is because this year at the beginning of October, some populace report to Investigation Bureau pointed out, greatly sells the field purchase above hard disk he to, after but goes home the installment possibly to implant on the discovery the Trojan horse computer program, he believed, this hard disk is the international well-known hard disk big plant manufacture, the quality should have the safeguard only then to, if is implanted the Trojan horse computer program virus, "very will be fearful".

The Investigation Bureau personnel find out, this hard disk manufacture in Thailand, is constructs by the Taibei county reaches the multinational corporation to act in the beginning of October imports, doubts in Thailand produces the assembly, the test process namely passive hands and feet, implants the Trojan horse computer program virus, the essential target should be Taiwan, but does not remove also has other countries to suffer injury.
It is reported, north the county investigation station investigated has constructed reaches internationally, informs this matter and the gravity, requests comprehensively to recycle, and traces all "has the question" the hard disk to flow to with all one's strength.

News origin:Free Times electron newspaper
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The god love is:You since give birth to, hoodwinks me to guarantee hugs, since leaves the embryo, then hoodwinks me to cherish 搋. Is old until you, I was still this; Turns white until you, I still cherished 搋. I have been artificial, also must guarantee hugs; I must embrace, also must save.(Book of Isaiah 46:3-4)

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